Updates and Questions


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
So today i went and picked up 2 more tequila sunrise male guppys and i got a Golden Apple Snail and got rid of my pond snails because they were becoming a nuisence. All of my live plants became uprooted and had no roots basically (My snails ate them i belive cause i found them floating with a snail attached near the roots eating on them) So now my tank consists of the following

4 Tequila Sunrise Male Guppys, 1 Chinese Algae eater and 1 Golden Apple Snail.

Of course when the CAE gets a lil bigger he's going to my friend with a 55 gallon.

In 1 more month exactly its my b-day. If my fish survive well until then i will be able to set up my 10 gallon most likely i hope. If so id like to work on a project. I want to make a species of guppy that has the Tequila Sunrise body but the Blue Cobra tail. Can anyone suggest how id go about doing that? The only thing i could figure out is start with a male Tequila Sunrise male and find a yellow tailed female and make some nice looking females and then put them with Blue Cobra males? Or would that even work? Which Gene is most dominent in guppys, male or female? I would be able to sale them to my LFS most likely for about 3 dollars a piece because they sale there regular fancys for about 3.25 a piece and Tequila Males are 2. I figured a rare looking guppys strain would be more? Also, how do i get a female to put out more babies at once? Most of my females didnt put out maybe 6 fry's and id like to have at least 15 babies to work with.

Thanx in advance for all the help *SUNSMILE*

Oct 29, 2010
Dominant or recessive genes aren't based on whether the fish is male or female.

Clean water + good food + plenty of plants to hide in = lots of fry

So pretty much, since you have males, your best bet would be to simply add female blue cobras. You could use your five gallon as a fry tank.

Only issue is you'd have to keep two females per each male to prevent undue stress on the pregnant ones, so that would mean eight females if you keep all fish together.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
My 10 gallon would be the community holding all the current fish and id keep the females in my 5.5 gallon, and then setup my 2.5 gallon as the fry tank. Ive never seen a blue Cobra Female all ive seen is males around me.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
Tequila Cobra would be 1 shot quervo gold added to a cuba libre (rum and coke)?

From what I've seen with some of the heavy duty guppy breeders you're going to need about 10-30 more tanks to do it effectively. Quality guppies is some serious business.

In your area I think the closest is the Chesapeake Guppy Club...which really isn't in your area. It's about a 3-5 hour drive. They do win national awards though.
 Chesapeake Fancy Show Guppy Club