upgrade to a 55gal


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
Wow its been along time since ive been on here. Well ive had my 29gal up and running for over a year but in the past two months ive just had LR in my tank and no fish or CUC. The reason for having it empty was that i had a 55g tank just sitting around but i never got to setting it up for SW. Now that i have time i want take a swing at a bigger tank. My Question is, do i have to have my tank drilled or can i just have like 3 powerheads, kind of like the setup i have for my 29.? its been awhile since ive been on here so im going to have to check some things out. im a little rusty. more questions to come


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
You don't need to have your tank drilled, but it makes things a bit simpler imo (though I suppose more complex in other ways). Make sure you can get a big enough HOB skimmer for your plans and you should be fine without drilling the tank.

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
There are definitely pros and cons of each. I like a drilled tank because you can keep a lot of the extra stuff out of your display. But, then you have to worry about having enough room in the sump if the power goes out, etc.... If you go with a drilled tank then you will have more water volume and the option to run a fuge with macro algae. Many things to consider either way....

Feb 22, 2008
if you were worried about drilling the tank you could also think about an overflow box.
Or you could think about a hang-on refugium, i have one and its really helpful, its made a big impact on my nitrate levels. I would like a big sump but my cabinet doesnt give me the space for my 68G.

If you can get a sump, do it.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
and if you do decide to go with a hob skimmer there are some really good ones out there that are perfect for a tank that size, such as aqua remora C and aqua remora pro both great.....good luck and keep us posted...

oh yeah and welcome back!


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
Thank you all very much! I think im going to go with the hob skimmer. Having a set up like this, will it limit me from thing that i could have if i had a sump instead? At the moment i only want fish but ive always liked zoos and mushrooms. Its good to be back, thank you lorna!


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
Thank you all very much! I think im going to go with the hob skimmer. Having a set up like this, will it limit me from thing that i could have if i had a sump instead? At the moment i only want fish but ive always liked zoos and mushrooms. Its good to be back, thank you lorna!
No it won't limit you. With a sump you'd get more water volume and a place to put thing like your heater, a refug, etc. Plus more flow in the tank from the return. It's not a requirement to have a successful reef tank though. Definitely look at the Remoras they don't need much space behind the tank and work very well. You can do a hang on back refugium as well or in tank one like mine is.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
exactly, the biggest deterent you may run into would be lighting......that is the only thing that may inhibit your ability to keep some stonies etc. with an efficient hob skimmer, good flow and even as suggested a hob fuge you will be able to keep that which you want and more


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
Well im kinda of cheap since im still in high school and like to go out with my friends a lot and since the aqua remoras that ive researched range in the $150 they are to much. Ive found the visi jet to be nice but im not sure if it hob or not, has anyone heard if they are nice skimmers or not? Ive also found the SeaClone 100 and i kind of like it, but is it good?


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
Okay, well im just sitting around bored right now, since my school was canceled today and this is what im looking for. A good hob skimmer $100 or less. Im thinking 2 hydor koralias. A hob refugium...any thoughts on that? for now the lights i already have. at the moment i have about 55-60lbs of LR and ill prolly end up getting more. So im probably looking at over $240 right there. Any thoughts on what ive said above?

Feb 22, 2008
regarding the powerheads, try to turn over your water volume 10 times in an hour, the koralias should tell you how many GPH they 'pump'. 2 Koralias may not be enough, although I know there are different Koralias with different flow rates.just check

If you are gonna add a sump or HOB refugium then that will help with the flow too.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I'd say that you might be better off waiting a while to get a skimmer, and getting a good one. A lot of the cheap ones tend to be a waste of money.

Or, look on some of the saltwater forums for a good deal on a used skimmer. A lot of people upgrade from a HOB skimmer to a sump system, so you might find something. Forums like Reef Central seem to constantly have items for sale from people upgrading or breaking down a tank. Try both the sale forums and your local forum.


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
Okay i picked up some of my equipment today, i still dont have the 55 set up and running yet but since i have the LR in the 29 im not really in a hurry.this is after i add my cuc but I was thinking about the stocking part of the tank...now its been awhile so take it easy on me here.lol
1 true or false perc
3 green chromis[blue if i can find them]
1 basslet/ pseudochromis
1 firefish
and if possible 1 dwarf angel or a yellow tang/ regal[blue] tang

Jun 29, 2008
The stocking list for th 29g looks okay EXCEPT for the yellow tang. i believe a yellow tang at least needs the 50g. i guess you could keep the tang in the 29g until the 55g was setup....


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I personally wouldn't put a tang in a 55g. They really need a little more swimming room than that.

If you do get a pseudochromis, it may not get on with the firefish. Some pseudochromis can be very aggressive with simlilarly shaped fish. I have an orchid dottyback that's fine with almost all fish, except anything that has the same shape.