"Upgrading" a 10 gallon to a 30 gallon

Nov 23, 2008
I need some advice...

I currently have a 10 gallon freshwater tank with 2 angelfish, a pleco, and a shark. It has been running for several years now, with almost no issues. I have acquired a 30 gallon tank, and I'd like to eventually switch some of the tank to the 30 gallon -- I want a community tank, and a tank for the semi-aggressive fish.

1. Should I re-silicone tank that is 20 years old? They aren't leaking, but during the changeover, it would be a good time to do it. I believe both of the tanks are 20 years or older.

2. When I do the changeover, can I add the water that is in the 10-gallon tank to the 30 gallon? What I'd like to do is this: fill up the 30-gallon with tap water, let it cycle for a week or 2, and then remove 1/3 of the water and add most of the water from the existing tank when I move all the fish. Is this ok?

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Large Fish
Jul 25, 2008
So. Cal. USA
Not sure what you mean by "cycling the tank for a week or two" because tanks are usually cycled until stable. Go ahead and move the water and everything else from the 10 to the 30. It will be like doing a large water change in a 30. Not much beneficial bacteria are in the water. They are in the filter, on the decorations, substrate, walls etc. Just be sure to de-chlorinate the new water with PRIME, STRESSCOAT or something like that.

Move the old filter to the new tank if it's big enough to filter the bigger tank but don't clean it as it's full of the "good stuff'".

If you move everything to the new tank you may have a mini-cycle but it shouldn't be too big, I'd think.

I've done something similar to that with two tanks. Cycling times were much shorter and less severe.

As for re-sealing the 30? Not sure but if it isn't broken, I wouldn't try to fix it.

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