Upgrading from 55 to 100 gallon

Feb 10, 2011
I currently have a running 55 gallon tank, but was just given a 100 gallon that i'm in the process of cleaning up. the 100 came with heaters, undergravel filter system and a Magnum 350 canister. I currently have a aqua clear 50 and 30 on my 55. So my questions is what do i need to do for the 100 to run safe? i know the magnum is a 2 stage.

thank you so much ahead of time.


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2008
Make sure you got a lot of support for the tank. Also make sure all sealing is good so you don't get it full and then leak after all that work/money put into it. Then make sure you got a place that will support that size as well in the house/apt.


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; I use ten pounds per gallon as a rough estimate of the minimum weight of an aquarium. I think that water is around eight and a half pounds per gallon and then the weight of the tank itself , accessories, gravel and decorations must be added. It may be wise to up the estimate to twelve or more pounds per gallon (?) for the bigger tanks as the glass is much thicker and the required stand will be much heavier. I also suspect that amount of gravel (substrate) needed may not be a linear increase, but some exponential amount to get the same depth in progressively larger tanks. I had a 125+ gallon tank on a cement floor in the past. I am sure someone on this forum has set up a tank of this size and can give some good advice.

Aug 13, 2010
Sicklerville, NJ
You will want to turn your water over at least 5X per hour. Your 30 will turn 150 GPH and your 50 will turn 200 GPH that is only 350 GPH. The canister will turn over 350 GPH so that is 700 GPH. If you use all three filters you will be fine. Are you planning on taking down your 55 or running it concurrently? If you are going to run both at the same time, you will need more filtration. You should also run the canister on your existing tank to start getting the beneficial bacteria colony.


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
An aqua-clear 110 would be great for that tank.

In big tanks water tends to get stagnant. I know I'm in the minority here but I use undergravel filters in ALL of my tanks.

The plates are real cheap, there are also some DIY options then add the heads.

If I were you I would do the Aquaclear 110 plus 2 aqua-clear 50 power-heads (running on the under-gravel plates). one on each end pointing to the middle. The 110 is rated to turn the water over 500 gallons per hour (personally I think all filters are slightly over rated thus the power-heads to pick up a bit of the slack)

While there are other options for the HOB (hang on back) filter, the aquaclear heads are really the ONLY quite powerhead option that has any real power (I have tried the penguin and tetra ones they both got returned after 1 day)

Dylandrewsdad will also attest to the magic of aqua-clear :)

Amazon.com: Aqua Clear 110 Hang-On-Back Power Filter, UL Listed: Kitchen & Dining

That one is 74 dollars which is an AWESOME deal (they are generally 89-99)

you can get as big of heads as you like as they are just additional help to help keep the water on the sides from getting stagnant. (I wouldn't go less then 50's personally)


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
power heads

Hagen Fluval AquaClear Powerhead (20, 30, 50, 70, 110)

under gravel plates

PETCO Undergravel Filters at PETCO

The heads go on top of the plastic posts instead of the contraptions that come with it (they work like poo)

the really nice thing about having undergravel is that the undergravel provides additional biological filters meaning that you can clean out your HOB anytime with out upsetting the bacterial balence in your tank (amongst other things)

The only reason not to do under gravel is if you plant to use sand or do a real heavy planted tank that requires a substrate other then gravel.

I also like regular pea rock in my tanks. Here is a link to that, you can do the entire tank in gravel for about 6.00 going this route.

Vigoro 0.5 cu. ft. Decorative Stone Pea Pebbles - 40206018 at The Home Depot

the pea gravel is sandy and needs to be rinsed with the garden hose really well, but it has nice natural colors (you can't tell in the bag, but it has a nice range of grays, blues, reddish colors)

If you can't do gravel because you are doing sand or heavy planting then you put the heads on sponge filters in each corner.

Hydro IV Sponge Filter Pro

Aug 13, 2010
Sicklerville, NJ
That is one of the reasons I always have 2 filters on my tanks, for water flow and of course in case one fails.

I have only used an UG filter one time and it was a PITA to clean! (Sorry Nanu :) )I would never use it again as the HOB do a great job.

As far as cleaning, I never clean the bio media, just the sponge so I never have an issue when I do that. Plus with more then once filter, I always have extra bio media!


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
The sponge is full of the bio matter. When you clean the sponge you are removing the bio matter. The ceramic pieces in the mesh bag hold additional bio matter but really no more then say a scoop of gravel.

What is there to clean in an under gravel? it's under the gravel.... Once a year or so I pull out the tubes and scrub them with a toothbrush then put them back in.

The power heads work by sucking water out of the bottom (from under the UG) and blowing it across the tank, thus causing a slight downward draft (water getting dragged through the gravel and into the plates) as well as creating a good water flow through the tank when it expells the water. The current it creates discourages growth of algae in the tubes going from the head to the UG plates under the gravel.

I agree that just hooked to a blubber they suck. but with a head hooked on the plates they are amazing.

Dylandrewsdad brought up the sponge in the aqua clear, that's how it works, just draggs water through a big square sponge, the sponge holds the bio matter and does excellent mechanical and biological filtration with no parts that need replaced on the regular. (on avg a sponge gets worn out in about 7-10yrs, and they are 6.00 new)

Feb 10, 2011
I have read that the magnum is a 2 stage canister filter. There is no biological filter just mechanical and carbon. How do i get the biological with these filters or should i purchase the aqua Clear 110. And use the magnum and 110 together right?


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
in the canister filter;
the bio happens in the mechanical parts (like sponge, or fluffy white stuff) that catches the poo, the goopy brown stuff is biological filtration.

about the pellets;
the ceramic pellets (bio element) of the aquaclear are just porus ceramic pellets, they allow bacteria to grow, that bacteria grows everywhere in your tank including gravel.

I stopped using the ceramic pellets in one tank because the filter is off balance (tank is too close to the wall, and full so it can't really be moved out, any who this causes it to be slightly off balance and makes the sponge sit too high to run properly with the pellets) Tank maintains the same readings as it always has, no noticeable diff with out the pellets.

On the topic of under-gravel;
The goo you saw under the gravel wasn't poop, it was bacterial colonies. You aren't supposed to clean it out. It works like a compost heap. the various bacteria do their work and break the crud down, then they get more crud, i recently moved and had to do a full break down of all of my tanks, most of these tanks have been up and running for YEARS, the goop was the same as it would have been after 60 days after years of running, it doesn't build up higher then the gravel.

I personally hate canister filters because when you clean them they make a hell-of-a mess. lose carbon, sand, poly fill, fish goop yuck. They also have been known to blow a seal from time to time in which case they cause a syphon to form and make a huge water mess (plus drain your tank)

I know that there are people out there who think they are great. But I just had a couple bad exps with them and won't go that route again.

Since what you have isn't big enough to do what you need it to, i would suggest going with a hang on back.

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