More bad news, one of my Angels was dead this morning. Again nothing visably wrong. The rest of the fish are acting normal still and ate fine this morning. I have not added a new fish in several weeks.
Here are the details on the tank and level.
58g Oceanic RR tank heavily planted w/DIY CO2, temp is 82 and very stable, amonia=0, nitrite=0, nitrate=0, and PH=6.8 (varries 6.8-7.0). I do weekly 20% water changes. Everything looks normal the PH varries a bit over a 24hr period from the CO2. Tank has been running with fish for 4yrs since the last restart. I have been thinking about adding more buffering to the water with some crushed coral but the small PH change has never caused an issue with the fish.
What has changed? Ok so here are the things that I have changed in the last week. I built a CO2 reactor and installed it last Sunday. I added a wysteria Tuesday evening (cleaned and rinced well before I added it).
At this point I am kind of just waiting for the rest of my fish to mysteriously (at least to me) die. I did a water change last night and was going to do another tonight.