Upside down Catfish

Oct 22, 2002
I just bought 2 Upsidedown Catfish.

I have had them both for 2 days and all they do is hid in my castle thing at the bottom.  They don't even come up for food.  They don't even move in the castle.  

Is this normal?

Oct 22, 2002
Possibly just getting used to the new surroundings.  A lot of different fish can take some time to get used to new digs.  

By the same token, it could be that they're completely nocturnal, not sure on upside down cats.  When we first picked out fish, we got a synodontis that we would never see.  You could see her in her favorite decoration, but she never came out, except at night, when we could not see her.  

Like we said, not certain, but a possibility.


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Misawa, Japan
I have 2 upside-down catfish.
They are very shy and nocturnal.
I got one when I had my 10gal and after I put him in the next day I couldn't find him. At first I though my cat got him or he jumped out cause I looked everywhere in the tank and he was gone. So I got another one. A week later I couldn't find him either so I said screw it and decided not to get anymore.

Well when I got my 29gal and started moving fish and removing decorations low and behold I lifted up this plastic tree log that had a hole for fish to hid in and just about got it out of the water and out pops two my upside-down catfish.
One was huge, like like 5+ inches and the other one was small.
I look in the tree before but I must not have looked good enough.
They are intersting fish though....

Oct 22, 2002
Dittos.  Our syno was really cool, but same deal.  The decoration we had was actually out of the water and in the sink about to be cleaned when she finally decided to come out since she couldn't breath.  plunked her back in the tank and no problem, has flourished through every tank disaster we've had.  Our only problem w/ her was her appetite for neons, but that was easily fixed.  We now provide shelter, but no place that she can totally hide out in since she is so beautiful.  It's a shame to have a fish like that and never see it.


Large Fish
Sep 26, 2005
Very interesting. I have 3 upside down catfish and they are all quite active and showy in the day as well as the night. Espically my little one. It loves to swim around the tank. There are plenty of places for them to hide, they just seem to not want too. Although, for the first few days they did hide. They all seem quite happy and are in good health. Just thought I'd add something. *BOUNCINGS


Medium Fish
Mar 30, 2005
I have 2 upside down catfish - (synodontis nigriventris). I had one alone for about 4 months until I finally found a friend for him - and he came out only at night. I've had the second for about 2 months, and it is more active than the older, bigger one, but it is still a rare occurance to see either out during the day.

They are shoaling fish, though, so the more you have of them, the safer they will feel, and the more active they will be. That could be why nobody's 3 fish are more active. They also prefer upright hiding places - so they can be vertical as opposed to horizontal. Mine prefered to hide in the tall plants at the back as opposed to the lower caves I originally had for them. If they don't have hiding places they like, they will swim more frantically trying to find cover.