I had three triops and a mystery snail in a 3 gallon round tank with an undergravel filter. Unfortunately, the poor design of this tank and filter claimed two of my triops. They somehow got under the plastic filter base, and by the time I found them, they were fading fast. I siphoned out about 90% of the water, so that I could pull the plate out. I did suck some of the detritus out, but it was things that were on top of the gravel bed, like triops molts and plant fragments. I've added new tapwater, and the appropriate amount of Seachem Prime for the water change. Tomorrow, after the temperature has equilibriated, I'm going to move the surviving triops and mystery snail back into the tank.
I want to move them to a 10 gallon. The 3 gal is horrid for viewing, and its weird shape makes it extremely difficult to find a better filter for it. If I were to use the substrate from my 3 gallon, would I still need to do a full cycle? Or could I just treat it like a water change? If I do a full cycle, do the plants go in at the beginning? Or do they need specific ammonia concentrations?
Another thing I've heard is that I should add the amount of food I anticipate feeding every day while cycling. I noticed uneaten food gets white fuzzy mold really quickly. How would the mold affect cycling? I'm kind of reluctant to do this, since triops are pretty sensitive to bacterial spikes from uneaten food. Can I cycle without adding food?
I want to move them to a 10 gallon. The 3 gal is horrid for viewing, and its weird shape makes it extremely difficult to find a better filter for it. If I were to use the substrate from my 3 gallon, would I still need to do a full cycle? Or could I just treat it like a water change? If I do a full cycle, do the plants go in at the beginning? Or do they need specific ammonia concentrations?
Another thing I've heard is that I should add the amount of food I anticipate feeding every day while cycling. I noticed uneaten food gets white fuzzy mold really quickly. How would the mold affect cycling? I'm kind of reluctant to do this, since triops are pretty sensitive to bacterial spikes from uneaten food. Can I cycle without adding food?