Urgent Advice - bowl vs fish-in cycle..

Sep 10, 2009
Hi folks,

I recently picked up a lovely little Oranda Twintail, from a local pet shop as a bit of a spur of the moment thing. I was chatting to the guy (I've always fancied one) and he was saying how easy it was. I bought a bowl, some food, gravel, ornament and an under gravel filter.

I've since read (over the last day or two since I got him) that this is all wrong.

So now I've got him, I don't want him to be unwell. I've went out and bought a 37L tank for him, more gravel and an air pump with an air stone, a filter and a few plants too.

I was just wondering, now I'm reading about the 'cycle' of a tank, would it be better for him in the tank and do a 'Fish in' cycle, or is he better in the bowl until the tank is cycled?

I've also read that if there were two goldfish in the tank, it could cycle faster - I've taken that with a pinch of salt though.

Can anyone help me out here? I don't want to cycle it properly incase he dies in the bowl :(


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Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Agreed with unwritten, although 37 litres isn't much, about 10 gallons, so I'd still look into bigger tanks. He should be fine in there alone for the time being, although I'd personally look to upgrading to a 20gallon tank and buying another in the long run.

For now, do not buy any more fish.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
davegtt - good job on reading up on your new pet! Just about anything is better than a bowl, so I would put him in the tank ASAP. Goldfish have large bioloads so make sure you're completely clear on what cycling a tank with fish in it means. Take a look at the stickies in the forum or the link in my signature for more info. Welcome!


Large Fish
Apr 22, 2009
once again, not all fish store workers are totally wrong or idiots, ahah
not all. :D most! but not all :D

and yes, you HAVE to read all that you can, and always try to get
the biggest tank you can affort, although if you really get into the
hobby you will always want someting bigger :p ahah

i would also recommend putting the fish in the tank, and its no use
speedint up cycling, just let it do its job. Just be sure to do frequent
water changes, at least twice a week for the fisrt two weeks.

good luck.