I have had my 250 litre tank for a few months now. I filled it with water about a month ago, adding plants, wood, safestart & water dechlorinator. All went well so I added apple snails. They bred like wild fire so as the water looked good & it smelt pond like I decided to use it for its propper purpose...goldfish.
As my 3 15cm goldfish (coldwater) were in a tank & distressed as it was far too small. So I added safestart again (as per instructions) & tested the water. it said my bacteria were close to establishing and to add safestart every 2 days & it was now safe to add fish, so I added them, all was well 1 day later it was a little cloudy, thats ok, but this morning after adding the safe start the water is so cloudy I cant even see them!! I have read so many horror stories about fish dying I need immediar=te advice...PLEASE HELP!!!
As my 3 15cm goldfish (coldwater) were in a tank & distressed as it was far too small. So I added safestart again (as per instructions) & tested the water. it said my bacteria were close to establishing and to add safestart every 2 days & it was now safe to add fish, so I added them, all was well 1 day later it was a little cloudy, thats ok, but this morning after adding the safe start the water is so cloudy I cant even see them!! I have read so many horror stories about fish dying I need immediar=te advice...PLEASE HELP!!!