Urgent HELP!!!


Small Fish
Mar 20, 2011
I have had my 250 litre tank for a few months now. I filled it with water about a month ago, adding plants, wood, safestart & water dechlorinator. All went well so I added apple snails. They bred like wild fire so as the water looked good & it smelt pond like I decided to use it for its propper purpose...goldfish.
As my 3 15cm goldfish (coldwater) were in a tank & distressed as it was far too small. So I added safestart again (as per instructions) & tested the water. it said my bacteria were close to establishing and to add safestart every 2 days & it was now safe to add fish, so I added them, all was well 1 day later it was a little cloudy, thats ok, but this morning after adding the safe start the water is so cloudy I cant even see them!! I have read so many horror stories about fish dying I need immediar=te advice...PLEASE HELP!!!


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
In the mean time I'd do daily water changes. This should help with the cloudiness, as well as with the cycle.


Small Fish
Mar 9, 2011
Hi :)

As mentioned above it sounds like you are having a bacteria bloom. If you have test kits, monitor your ammonia, nitrite, and nitrates. It sounds like you are re-establishing / picking up the tank cycle. If your ammonia, nitrite, nitrate levels are up, do daily water changes (no more than 25%) until these levels are down. I do know that Safestart and other bacteria products really do help to kickstart your tank's cycle, but if your tank needs desperate relief, water changes (once again--credit given to other posts above) are your best friend at this point. Once the toxins in your water drop to acceptable levels, using the safestart to get your tank cycling properly would be a great move.

Once again, I love test kits!


Mar 26, 2011
Malden, MA
Ditto! I'd change some water. Better to slow down your cycle a bit and keep your water clean with water changes, than to wait so as not to disturb the cycle and stress your fish in the meantime with inhospitable water conditions. Test your water frequently over the next few days and change water as neccessary. :)


Small Fish
Mar 20, 2011
Thanks guys you are amazing!!
Did a 25% water change yesterday & the water cleared up within a matter of hrs, looking cloudy again this morning so another change though its not clearing this time.
The water testing kits still say bacteria are nearly established & its safe for fish, it is a kit from "Pets at home store" so i think its ok. The goldfish are looking much happier.
How long will i have 2 wait till i can add my other 2 large goldfish? Is 2weeks enough?
Also shall i keep adding the safe start? this is why the cloudyness errupted so badly, but the booklet says to add every 2 days!!
Thanks again