urgent, please help dying fish :(

Oct 18, 2007
One of my platys isnt doing so well. I fear she is going to die in a min :( I Looked in to check on my fish before i went to sleep and she was just sitting on the bottom acting weird. She then seemed like she couldnt see or anything just swimming aimlessly running into walls and such. So i took her out and put her in a qt and now she is spinning spirals while swimming in circles. Any advice is much appreciated.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
You'll have to refresh my memory, has this tank been cycled? It sounds like a severe case of ammonia poisoning, which means your tank isn't cycled. Moving the fish from its home probably isn't the best idea, that will just stress it out. What are the water parameters? When was the last time you did a water change? If these aren't on target, all of your fish will soon be doing the spiral swimming dance of death :( so get on top of this quickly.

Oct 18, 2007
You guys were right unfortunately :( Death followed about an hour after the post :( The tank is cycled, the ammonia is at 0 Ph is at 7 i keep the water around 75-80 (maybe a bit warm) I am very very new to the hobby so i do not know much else. I am worried about the other fish they seem to be doing fine though. but then again She was fine a few hours before she died :(

I did a cycle without fish and a man at a fish store helped me out, but i wont be able to talk to him again till wednesday.

I just did a water change of about 30% because it was my first time trying to do it with a rock vaccume thing and i got a little too much out. maybe 2 days ago i did this.

Thanks for help again

Nov 13, 2007
my fish kept doing the same thing, all my levels were good, the tank was cycled and all that....turned out my fish had internal parasites from the pet store....so, now, every time I get a new fish, I treat for internal parasite just to be safe....sorry about your fish....:(


Medium Fish
Jul 2, 2007
Sorry to here about your platy, I'd be hurt if anything happened to mine. Before I buy any new fish I always watch them in the store for awhile just to make sure they are ok, this often gets me dirty looks from the employees but I'm the one spending money so they get use to it. I also believe in a qt tank, and any new fish stays in there for a week just to make sure of no parasites or bacteria. Other than that selecting a fish can be hit or miss, hopefully you have more successes in the future and good luck with your survivors*thumbsups
