Using Spring Water


Medium Fish
Apr 18, 2005
Mansfield, CT
I'm planning to use Spring Water in my 14g tank (there is a spring near my home). Any advantages or disadvantages in using Spring Water?


Large Fish
Sep 5, 2007
Deptford, NJ
I personally don't know much about this subject. I would venture a guess to say to make sure you test the water thoroughly before using it. You're still going to have to go through the process of cycling the tank, so there is no ammonia and such. The only benefit I can think of initially is probably a lower chlorine content, but I believe you're still going to want to treat the water before hand.

I'm sure someone with more knowledge on this subject will be able to post.


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
Yup get a sample and test it all very throughally and very often. Spring water is every changing (my water supply here is spring fed) and so you'll find that you need to keep a very close eye on your water perameters particularly after storms/major weather changes and the like.

Are you planning to keep a few water changes worth stored away some where? You're going to need approximtly 4 to 7 gallons a week worth for your 14 G but there will be times when you'll find you need to make more frequent water changes then that.