UV sterilizer?


Small Fish
Oct 12, 2006
So it's been a while since I've posted on here and I have a couple questions about a UV sterilizer that my friend at the LFS suggested I get. First of all, I'm going to start up a 50 gallon freshwater planted tank with CO2. He suggested that I get the Turbo Twist for my tank because he said it will keep algae from taking over and I will have cleaner water. He told me that I could hook up the sterilizer inline with my Rena XP3 but it would give me less flow. Another option would be to buy a powerhead to pump the water out of my tank and then I could simply have the return hose come back in and hang in the tank (sounded real ghetto to me), or I could buy another powerhead to attach to return hose to. He showed me the setup on one of their tanks there in the store and he said that they leave it on all the time. I wasn't sure about this because Lotus posted in another thread that UV sterilizers should only be used for treating ich or green water. I guess what I want to know is if it's worth it. I can pick up the 9W version for $52 bucks and some change (yay for coupons). Has anybody had any experience with this UV sterilizer and how would you suggest I hook it up?


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
The only algae problems it would solve would be green water, as these are the only types of algae that are free floating in the water. It wouldn't have a direct negitive impact on any other algae at all.

You may want to do some more research on this part, but IIRC, these are not good at all for planted tanks because they can break down the ferts and basicly turn them inert, rendering them useless for the plants.

And I think it is bull that it will lead to cleaner water. You can have cleaner water by water changes, and filtration, neither of which a UV provides. They can kill pathogens, bacteria and other nasties in the water, but a majority of these are going to be harmless to fish with a healthy immune system. I'd say save your money and just put it to a good Co2 setup and lights. :)

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
I have the exact thing your looking for. Diablo Canine on this forum has a great DIY guide for the Portable UV Sterilizer that you should go for if you don't want it permanently attached.

I don't have green water but i do have green algae that still grows on pvc pipes and tank. This is just an added gadget i put on tank, haven't had sick fish since i put it in but i also have clean water with changes reg so don't know if it is stricly uv or w/c or whatnot.

I would go portable with small powerhead (mine is aquaclear 70 and it is too big for my liking.) I will post links to diablo canine guide and my pic of it if i have one so you see what i am talking about.