UV Sterilizer


Medium Fish
Jun 20, 2003
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I'm setting up a system for breeding bettas. It will have 56 seperate betta homes along with 3-5 20 gallon growout tanks all on one central filter/sump (to start with, likely more later). The spawning will be done in seperate 10 gallon tanks and the babies won't be moved into the central system until they are 2-3 weeks old.

A lot of people recommend using UV sterilization for a central system like this. I've never used UV before and don't really know that much about it. There won't be any outside fish added to this system that can introduce diseases, but bettas are highly suseptable to fungus and velvet. Would a UV sterilizer kill fungus and velvet effectively (assuming it was setup properly of course) ? And are there any drawbacks to using UV?

Thanks for any input :)