vacuumed tank now fish dying

Dec 6, 2012
hey guys im just trying to figure out what happened to my tank, its a 30 gallon octagon tank that ive had setup for about 3 years now and never had a problem. yesterday i vacuumed the gravel and added about 25% new water to it. i then added the dechlorinator the same as i have always done. the tank holds the kids 3 fish one 5-6 inch fantail, one 5-6 inch fancier gold fish and 1 4-5 inch normal feeder gold fish. about 4 hours after the refill the normal goldfish wasnt able to swim very well, couldnt stay upright and eventually just floated to the top of the tank where he died, the other two fish were swimming and eating fine during this whole incident, this morning my fantail is swimming funny, like she has no strength, and is also fighting to stay upright. its mouth looks like theres blood really close to the skin/skales around the lips. im worried shes gonna pass also and ive had these guys for awhile now and dont wanna lose anymore.

i tested the water with a 7 in 1 test strip and its all fine, im so lost


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
How is the fantail doing? I wonder if the water company added something to the water - are you on city water where they could have added something without your knowledge? Like if they were flushing the pipes or something?

Otherwise, I would suggest doing a water change - clean water is always a good thing.

Dec 6, 2012
they have all passed other than my normal 5 inch gold fish, that ones perfectly healthy. thats the only thing i can think of is that there was something new in the water, they were all perfectly healthy until i did the water change and the water tested ok on the 7 in 1 strips but the two fish didnt take to it very well at all. the first died pretty quick after the change (about 6 hours) then my big fantail passed the next da, that one was the one that looked like it had blood in its lips

but im in winter haven in florida, i really dont know if the water company could of added/changed something