Variatus Platy pregnant?

Jan 25, 2014
Okay so I have a Variatus platy and I can't tell if she is pregnant. She looks like it but I needs someone else's opinion too. image.jpg


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
If you've got male and female platys in the same tank, you are going to have babies.. and eventually lots of them. They can quickly overpopulate a tank. I wouldn't keep any platys in anything smaller than a 29g because of their bio load.

Jan 25, 2014
My tank is 30-35 gallons. If I don't use a breeding trap for a pregnant fish and just let her give birth in the tank, will any of the fry survive? Like you said, the tank can get overpopulated quickly so if I didn't use a breeding trap it wouldn't over stock my tank right? Idk, I'm obviously new to the "fish world" so I really need any useful information that I can get.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
some fry might survive it you have some floating plants and you feed them specifically. otherwise you will rarely get survivors if you do not overfeed your tank. the adults might eat the fry, or if you have other fish, they will eat the fry too.

your platy looks normal, but will soon be pregnant since you also have a male. usually they come pregnant from the store because they keep males and females in the same tanks. I have one female platy and no males and she is always very fat. hasn't had babies for the past 1.5 years. and even if she does my angel probably eats them.

one female and one male is not a good idea. you will want more females because the one male will harass the one female and the stress can make her sick and eventually die prematurely.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
You can get some plastic (fake) mat kind of plants for the bottom of the tank and a few usually survive. When they are small they even wiggle on down into the substrate. Right now I have four mollies that are over one inch that survived their parents and a betta.