Very Cloudy Water


New Fish
Jul 24, 2005
I just set up a 120 gal tank w/ 1 AquaClear 500. The tank has gravel, rocks, plastic plants, 1 decoration. All items were in the tank before and rinsed. I put 10 StartRight fizzing pills in to treat the tap water. After 1 day of running, the water is very cloudy. I put some clarity stuff in that I got from Walmart - it didn't work.

I'm a fish tank beginner. I inherited the tank when I bought my house. I set it up as per the local pet shop owner's suggestion.

Can anyone advise me on how to find out what's going on and fix the cloudiness?



MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
A brand new tank is gonna be cloudy...and it's gonna be cloudy for a while unfortunatly.
New tanks need to "cycle" a nutshell good bacteria needs to get established. Have you done a search on this forum for new tank information?
To get a completed cycle you have three choices:
1. Do a fishless cycle.
2. Do a "fish-in cycle"
3. Use a product called Bio-Spira.

I'd save your money as far as purchasing water clarifiers, and even if they do miraculously clear your water, it is only covering things up temporarilly.


Large Fish
Jan 29, 2005
Visit site
I agree completely. Please don't buy and add any fish until you decide what type of cycle you plan on doing, you will only get frustrated with the fish deaths.
1) in a swimming pool what keeps the water clean and clear is chlorine and other chemicals. You are not making a swimming pool...
2) in a fish habitat multiple colonies of bacteria is what keeps the tank clean and clear and keeps your fish alive. You need to establish those colonies for your fish tank. Fish could never survive in a pool. Read the 'threads' or 'sticky's' on cycling a tank, and starting a new tank. good luck...

And welcome to the tank *twirlysmi


Large Fish
Apr 23, 2005
Austin, TX (born NYC)
After only one day, I doubt if the white cloudy water is the result of an algae bloom. During bloom, your water turn cloudy milk color. The cloudiness is the result of suspended particles in your water, nothng else. It will eventually settle after a few days.

Yes, complete your cycle before adding fish. That is to saty you couldn't do fish cycle. With 120 gal of water, you could easily manage any NH3 or NO2 spike wihtout harming any fish.

If it healthy to fihs, that is different question.
