very excited, new setup

Jul 9, 2003
well i bought a bunch of stuff today and its all used but it good shape:D .

I got a 50gallon acrylic tank with stand and hood for $95

a rena filstar xp3 filter for $65

a turbo twist 3x UV sterilizer for $20

i dont think i really even need the uv sterilizer but at $20 i thought it was a deal*celebrate

im currently refinishing the stand and hood but ill have pics up soon.

as for what im going too put in the not really sure. i think i will try having a sand substrate but as far as fish are concerned i dunno maybe some cichlids...or any suggestions?


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Awesome! Sounds like some good deals, i'm jealous :D

I was hesitant to try sand...but I got some for my 5 gallon to try it out and I LOVE it. Fish for a 90 gallon...OMG we could suggest things till your stripes fall off :)

You started with a 6 gallon...the jump to 90 is HUGE :) Do you want to do another planted community tank? Do you want to try a species tank with rock like mbunas? You could get angelfish...or an oscar...or Kinda comes down to what you like...but once you get it narrowed down maybe we can help more with suggestions :)

Jul 9, 2003
hehe not quite a 90 gallon tank, read it again ;) its a 50 gallon tank for 95 dollars. im thinking maybe a pair of larger fish as kind of a "centerpiece" of the tank and maybe a couple smaller fish too. discus sound very difficult too take care of, a pair of angelfish or jack damsrey sound interesting though but im not sure what i could keep the the JD's. but im still open too any ideas for a 50 gallon :D


Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
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my jack dempsy is doing great in my 55 gal! hes about 4 inches now and his colors are coming in beautifuly! right now i have him with a gold gourami and they dont bother each other at all. im gonna take him out for a convict and a firemouth later though, if you give them enough decorations and hiding spots they dont mind being in the same tank. as long as they all have a place to go when the lights are off.