Very High PH Level!!


Medium Fish
Jan 23, 2007
Plymouth, WI
:confused: Why is my ph is usually very high, I mean off the chart on the bottle (I use the strips). I did a 20% w/c on Feb 7th and have added 6 of those ph tablets (not all at once) to finally get it down to between 7.0 and 8.0. How do I get it lowered without using those tablets. I can't afford to buy the tablets like that every week. Also, should I be doing weekly w/c's or is once a month enough. Right now my Nitrates are kinda high so I will be doing w/c another one this weekend.

krzekds said:
:confused: Why is my ph is usually very high, I mean off the chart on the bottle (I use the strips).
Maybe its just how your water supply is. Test your tap.

krzekds said:
I did a 20% w/c on Feb 7th and have added 6 of those ph tablets (not all at once) to finally get it down to between 7.0 and 8.0.
Dont use anything to lower your pH. A stable pH is better than a fluctuating pH. Just leave it be.

krzekds said:
How do I get it lowered without using those tablets. I can't afford to buy the tablets like that every week.
Peat is a good way. But careful when using it, you dont want a drastic change.

krzekds said:
Also, should I be doing weekly w/c's or is once a month enough. Right now my Nitrates are kinda high so I will be doing w/c another one this weekend.
You should do weekly water changes not monthly. Do water changes everyu other day until your nitrates get down to at most 20 ppm.

I wouldnt try to change the pH unless you want a natural feel but then you wopuldnt have a molly with pink dots. ;)


Medium Fish
Jan 23, 2007
Plymouth, WI
Thanks for your help. I was doing weekly w/c's until the tank cycled, basically I thought I was doing something wrong because the tank was always cloudy. Then I joined MFT and kept reading and reading and I found out I was doing the right thing. Thank you to everybody that has helped me.

I never thought of testing the tap water. I have found out that my kitchen water is less hard than my bathroom water. Another problem I have is super hard water. Oh well. The fish seem to have adapted just fine.

The reason we have a pick spotted molly is because we have 4 year old daughter and pink is her favorite color. Thanks


Medium Fish
Jan 23, 2007
Plymouth, WI
He was one of the first fish we bought and didn't realize that. I guess we are kinda stupid that way. We trusted the Pet Supply store employee and never thought of anyone ever do that to a fish. I read a thread on here when they talked about it, I don't think it's right. But what are we to do, so we keep him. Our Petsmart doesn't really have any colored plants. Maybe I'll try somewhere else. Thanks

IDunnoWhy said:
My water here is also quite high in PH, I haven't really encountered any problems with it though, I've just found myself introducing fish to it a little more gradually.

If you are concerned when adding fish and take extra time acclimating, like dunno does ^^, what you can do is see what you LFS pH is in there fish tanks(at least the tanks you buy fish from) and match it with yours!


Large Fish
Jan 21, 2007
in my experience, once a month is not enough. do weekly water changes for best results... and it doesnt need to be too much water, just like 10 - 20 percent.

test the water you add to the tank so you know if that's a source of the extra pH

if you do weekly water changes your pH should balance out... but check around your tank for things that may be adding to the pH, such as certain rocks

Your fish do adjust to the high ph levels.... I would worry more about the High Nitrates,Nitrites and Ammonia levels. I see in your sig, that your tank is WAY OVERSTOCKED. You should seriously consider taking back the loaches and the pleco.... even a few of the platies and mollies. Are you sure that your tank is fully cycled anyways? I am SURPRISED that noone else commented on your Stock levels.

Those test strips are not accurate at all, waste of $$$$. The test kits with the drips are alot better.

Again, please consider about getting rid of loaches and pleco, they will outgrow your tank in no time. And DO NOT add anymore fish!!!!!!!