Very mellow betta

Sep 8, 2005
Thought i would let you know how Mr. Mellow is doing... and post some pictures of him. He has been in the 100 gal tank for about a week now and has been incredibly mellow hence his name. He does not even bother the fry in the tank. He swims all over and eats what everyone else is eating. I bought special betta food for him but he is not interested in it. No one bothers him and he bothers no one. I do have the 5 gal ready if need be but so far things are working out well. Here are some pictures of him.. sorry they are kinda blurry.



Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Wow very pretty! He doesn't get worn out swimming to the top for air in a 100 gal?

Bettas are the reason I decided to go from hobbyist to breeder. They are great fish!

I just got a wild betta I've never seen before the other day. the LFS called it a blue spot betta. The body is much smaller around than any betta I've ever seen. I plan on getting pics and trying to get help IDing it soon.

Sep 8, 2005
This is my first betta and i just love him!! He does not seem to mind the space or the trip to the top of the tank. From what i have read my guy seems a little unusual in his demeanor. I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of yours.

Sep 8, 2005
Seeing as you have experience with bettas what do you suppose is wrong with mine? He actually swims side by side with my male guppies. Also the sides of the tank are mirrored inside and i have never seen him flare.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
I don't think anything is wrong with him. Sometimes we get lucky and find one that isn't aggressive. The non aggressive ones usually don't make good breeders because the flaring and chasing are needed for courtship. But they do make for a great community tank fish!

Keep an eye on your loaches the queens in particular. Some species are nasty fin shredders. And what ever you do never put skunk loaches in there with him and the guppies, they are one of the worst.

Oct 4, 2005
Pleco, your betta looks just like mine :).Mine has mellowed oue sence i got him. When i first got him he would flare at everything for about 4 or 5 days. Right now he dont even flare at the ghost shrimp that are in there.