Very Sick tank

Oct 22, 2002
I'm so stupid. I feel like an ass. I've had my 55 gallon planted tank up for almost a year and all my fish are still alive. For the moment anyway. Last week I did some rearranging of my plants because I plan on getting some more. So to make room for the new plants I moved stuff around. It stired up allot of gunk from the gravel too. After I was done I let the filter clear the water up for a couple hours and then I did a water change. Well I forgot one important step. You quessed it I didn't get to cleaning my canister filter. Well now all my fish have bad bacteria infections. The Gouramis have Dropsy and the Neons have something else, but it's not good. I feel awful. I started treating the whole 55 gallon with Maracyn-Two. This is the last day of treatment and I think I will repeat it for another 5 days. Very sick fish. Has anyone actually ever cured Dropsy or should I just put these poor fish out of their missery. They look like they are ready to pop. Somebody shoot me I deserve it. :(

Oct 22, 2002
Poor Fishy

I'm getting ready to make them into "Frozen Fish". I think my other Gouramis has TB. That there spells death. It's too bad. I really don't want to keep running to the store and buying these Meds. I'm treating a 55 gallon and it's cost me 30 dollars for one round of treatment. There is no garentte, so I'll finish the Meds I have and if there is no improvement They're history. You know this has happen to me before and I never made the connection. I just started feeding this group of fish some Tetra live foods. You know the stuff they sell in packets in a gel. Well this same thing happened to my other tank a while after feeding them that stuff. I won't use it anymore.
My smallest Gouramis is the one that got sick first and he is the most advanced in the illness. The others are staying close to him. As if they know he is dieing and they want to be there for him. It's interesting, people say fish have no hearts, but I think differently. Three more days of Meds and we'll see. I hate to make them suffer anymore than they already have. It's my own fault, but we all make mistakes.:(

Oct 22, 2002
Im dont think that you made a mistake in not cleaning your filter unless it was full of gunk that decayed causing ammonia and nitrites to spike. If nothing of the sort happen then it probably was a good thing anyways that you did not clean your filter. By cleaning the filter, you could of killed or removed your bio filter causing your tank to cycle again.

Btw, did not have any ammonia or nitrite readings?

Im thinking that the stress from re-arranging or differance in water parameters may of caused disease! Or, have you added any new fish perhaps?

Oct 22, 2002
I'm such a JERK

I did add new fish and never put them in my hospital tank, because it is housing an adopted Betta right now. I bought the new fish because it seems like every time I go into my LPS everything is picked over. The day I bought them they had just gotten the shipment in. I don't think they quarentine their fish before sale. And I know that I should have done it myself. I've never had problems with fish from there before.
I have to admit I don't use test kits. But after this exsperience I did order one for Ammonia.
When I did finally clean the filter it was pretty bad. Really smelly. So I changed the water inside the filter and rinsed everything in Declor. Water. So it should be ok. I've lost hope for my fish though. I hate to see them suffer and knowing that it is all my doing makes it even worse:(


Large Fish
Mar 12, 2003
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It mightve been the new fish, or some bacteria in the substrate. I sincerely doubt it had anything to do with you now changing your filter out.

Your following the directions for the medication? SOme you have to take out carbon if your using it. Anywho, just a thought.

Also, best way to anesthesise fish is actually selzer water. The stuff they use in drinks. Its a general anesthetic for them and also anesthesises them in like 5 seconds or so.