very very new at this


New Fish
Nov 10, 2008
I am very, very excited to say I am finally ready to start my tank. I did have a freshwater tank for many years when my children where still at home but have always wanted a saltwater tank. I have been buying my equipment bit by bit and have finally got my perfect spot where I want to set up my saltwater tank. My question is (I am sure the first of many) I live on a farm and have well water, there is no chlorine in our water do you think I could use it for my tank or is there just to many other things I also have to worry about with well water. I love this site so much great information on it

See if you can get a test for phosphates, or get an RO/DI filter which you can hook up under the sink. With that, you'll be fine. If your well water is clear of phosphates, you should be fine, otherwise you will be fighting algae constantly. Also, I'm sure if this is a concern with well water, but copper will be a killer in your tank if its in the water.


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
I have well water also.. Our's is so bad even tho i bought a RO unit it was burning up the filters at 90! It would be way to expensive for me to keep replacing filters so i just buy my water from a machine.. It's not the best quality of water but it works! I have some bubble algae issues but nothing i can't live with!


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I too have a well and wouldn't use the water without running it through the ro/di filter first. Before I had the ro unit I would go and buy my water at the grocery store in the fill it yourself kiosks. I think I was paying .25 cents a gallon which wasn't too bad. But with my 75 and 29 it was getting expensive so I bought an ro system which you can buy for a reasonable price.....


New Fish
Nov 10, 2008
thanks for all the info. i think i will check out a r/o unit and also do some testing on my water i guess i have been waiting and collecting all my equipment this long a little longer will not matter. I do live in a farming area but in this area the wells are so deep (about 500ft) so cemicals should not be an issue. Hopefully soon i will post again anouncing the start up of my tank
Thanks again