very very very cool fish


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I went to buy a parrotfish today, and the guy knows that i like swordtails, so he gave me this crazy one that he just got in, its a completely black male swordtail. I have never seen one before, he looks amazing. Has anyone else ever seen one of these?



Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
i had an almost all black marble molly once... cute little fellow, too. i took him cuz he was the only male marble molly the store had...but he became my favorite.... the first day i had him he kept swimming laps around the top of the tank. the next day he slept almost all the time... them he became normal, but active and REALLY cute... unforunately he died... still trying to figure out why... i don't think he ate too much, it may have been stress, i don't think it was old age cuz he was only about an inch long... i dunno... anyway, i haven't seen a black swortail...


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
yeah, well, when he was taking him outta the tank to put him in the bag for me to take home...he jumped outta the net and onto the concrete floor...i took him home and hoped that he'd be ok...but today he yeah. Now Ill keep looking for another one...blah. It sucks. But I bought a beta today, so thats cool...


I had the same thing happen with a platy I wanted. It was a beautiful red velvet platy with a black tail, but red top fin.

He jumped to the concrete floor from a small container while the guy at the LFS was catching another fish. It took about 30 seconds to find the little guy. I brought him home anyway.

After a few days he developed fin rot on his tail and two side fins. It got pretty bad, but after some Melafix, he started to get better.

His fins got better, but he never really recovered from his ordeal. He is still alive, but very timid and spends most of his time hiding behind plants.

He doesn't swim very well, kinda zips all over the place, and that's only when there is food around.

I feel sorry for the little guy.