VHO opinions


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
I've been offered a good deal on a 4 bulb VHO set-up. This light system is for a 75g tank (48"x18"x20"). I was planning on going power compact (4x55/65). I've never used VHO before, so opinions would be great!!

A bit about my aspirations:

The tank will be high tech. I'm looking to grow Eusteralis Stellata, Limnophila Aromatica, Riccia, maybe glosso, and some other plants that require high light. I want light that is capable of producing intense coloration of my plants, but not so intense that they grow sideways. I was thinking about using the Coralife Trichromatic bulbs if I did try VHO. Or should I just go PC? :confused:


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Olde worlde technology, but so's PC now. Go thorugh bulbs quickly, like change the lot every 6 months unless you want a spectrum drift and a nice lot of algae. Get PC's or even better T5. A T5 is like a straightened out PC, and pumps out much the same amount of light per watt, but because it's straight you can use mega efficient reflectors and so get get lots more useful light for your watt/money.
You can't even buy VHO outside the US anymore, and PC's are pretty rare.