Video 4 You to See


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I have a question about his tank room: I am guessing that his set up is like a big circle, more or less, the water drains from the tank goes into the sump and skimmer and thru all the other equipment, frag tanks and what ever else he has and then back into his tank. My question: does he have to have any special pumps to keep the water running thru the system? That is a big room and I am guessing he would need to have over sized pumps to keep all this water moving around the room to make it back to his tank. My second question: I have seen other tank build posts for large tanks, and they are for the most part all set up the same way as the tank in the video. If you were going to set up a tank room for a large tank, the best way to do this would be to buy all of your equipment and have a mock set up in your fish room so that you could figure out where you needed all of your power outlets placed at, that is if you wanted them in wall so that you wouldn't have to have extension courds all around the room and to have a nice clean look to it all, right or wrong? Working my way to a 300 gallon tank, lol.