violet goby


Small Fish
Oct 15, 2005
I have had a violet goby for about 6 months now. He is kept in a brackish water 25 gallon tank with 5 mature mollies. I have a substrate of sand which he eats and then filters for nutrition. I have not ever seen him eat any other way. He is a very peacfull fish. I would like to turn this into a full sw tank due to brackish water being tempermental. Does anyone know if this can be done with this fish or not. Currently the salinity is about 1.012. I have been adding 1/2 cup salts per gallon with every water change (about 25% weekly) to up it slowly but do not want to loose this fish. If I am able to do this, I would need to keep the sand as a substrate and don't know if thats ok either.

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
half a cup per gallon is for salt water. brackish is 5 teaspoons per gallon. i dont know if it would work but if it does let me know. i wouldnt try it. if you want a salt water goby try a fire fish. bicolor blennies are also nice fish


Small Fish
Oct 15, 2005
well the thing is is that I know the mollies can go full sw im just not sure about the goby. I find keeping brackish water a little trying and would prefer to just go salt water but also not at the expense of losing or getting rid of the fish. I use 1/2 cup per gallon of salt at every water change so that it is going up slowly but surely and not all of the sudden. I am now at 1.012 and fish are thriving including goby. so it is not necesarily that i am specifically looking for a sw goby. I have 6 aquariums that i love and am just trying to make this one a little easier to care for. thanks for the advice.

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
salt water is harder than brackish, you will need the following

live rock up to $250
live sand $20
salt $20 for 50gallon bag
hydrometer $10

total 300 bucks

i say that if they are happy keep it that way


Small Fish
Oct 15, 2005
we already have a 55 gallon sw tank along with (1)25 gallon goldfish tank and 2 10 gallon freshwater and the brackish tank has by far been the most difficult to maintain. Thanks for your advice.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
The Violet Goby will mature and thrive best in brackish water -- but they can be acclimatized slowly to fresh water and can also be acclimatized to fully marine conditions.

Environment: demersal; freshwater; brackish; marine

I googled "violet goby," and found sites listing it as brackish, freshwater, and marine (brackish was most common), and some that said it could be any of the above. Keep in mind my experience with violet gobies is limited to the past few minutes I spent googling them, but based on the info I found I'd think it was safe. Some marine tanks are kept at low salinity (just under 1.020), so I don't think it'd be too hard or harmful to bring him up to there. Obviously, you shouldn't if you notice that he's suddenly not acting right while your fiddling with the salinity.