W/D & HOB on a 180 Gallon


Small Fish
Jan 28, 2003
Southeast PA
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I'm purchasing a 180 (WOO HOO!) this weekend and am trying to decide what filtration to use. I have already constructed a DIY Wet/Dry system that is currently "seasoning" on my 75 gallon to be used for the biological filtration. I have a spare Aquaclear 500. Would this be a good start for a moderately stocked freshwater tank of this size? I haven't decided what will reside in the tank yet, but I like larger fish so I'm sure the bioload wont exactly be light. By the way, the W/D is running at about 400 gph. Should I just beef up the W/D, or get more mechanical filtration, or both? I'm open to suggestions.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I have a 150g tank heavily loaded with various
synodontist catfish and plecos. I have a bio-rocker
wet/dry, 2 emperor 400s, and two 402 powerheads
with the filter baskets attached. I also keep 4 chem-
pures in the sump. The sump has a CAP-5000 for

Filters on this system consist of:
2 coarse in the prefilter overflow box
1 in wet/dry drip tray
4 in the 2 emperors
2 on the powerheads.
9 total

For the overflow box I use 2 Rena M350.. have several
and swap out about once a week.

For the rest of the filters I cut media to size from a
large roll of blue/while material sold for air filters.

I cut one side of the emperor filter baskets out and
sandwich a piece in each of them.
I cut one for the drip tray and wrap a piece around
the filter baskets for the powerheads.

I change the filters on the emperors twice a week if
not more. Same with the filter on the wet/dry and
The course filters on the overflow boxes I can get
away with once a week or less if I feed the plecos
lots of veggies.

I vaccum the tank one a week (30% water change)
and I run a UV in/out of the sump.

The tank requires a lot of mechnical filtration.

Anybody need synodontis?

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Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Multi's, petricolas, or njasse's, yes.

DocBob filtration sounds good to me, the ac500 would be more of a mechanical filter than anything,,, and would keep the tank alive until the wetdry got colonized. I am assuming the AC500 is already seasoned.


Small Fish
Jan 28, 2003
Southeast PA
Visit site
cholula, thanks for the input. Wth that level of filtration, I'll bet your tank is clean!!! It does gice me some good ideas.

Somonas, actually, the W/D is the seasoned filter. It had been running on another tank for about a month, and will probably be there another week or two until I'm ready to make the big switch. The AC 500 is not seasoned, but I just want that for the extra mechanical filtration anyway. I realize it will contribute to the bio-filtration as well, but compare to the W/D that should be negligible.