Wal- Mart fish >.<

May 15, 2006
Just got a silly question! How can i get the people at wal-mart clean up their fish tanks! they look horrible! I buy fish there but it's imppossible to look for any fish that is disease free, I told them to clean up there tank, take out all the dead fish, feed them right so they don't have to feed on each other, don't over crowd the fish tank, and clean it up, then people would start saying "Wow! look at that tank" "Those fish look beautiful" "Wal_mart fish look the best" "I love buying fish here" Those tank look awsome, better then any LFS" AND NOT "eww! Nasty fish tanks" I Hate wal-amrt fish" "The tanks are filthy" Buying wal-mart fish is my most horrible experience" or " Poor fish!"

I try to tell them sometime but they look like they are saying yeah yeah whatever, I also suggest they should start looking for people that know how to take care of fish and have experience with fish, not just whoever, I try to ask people that take care of the fish at wal-mart about fish, they would just tell me fraud, they know nothing! I do like to buy fish at wal-mart but i don't want it to be nasty looking fish that is about to die, or got fin rot or some kind of disease, i buys fish there but almost all die after i got it home!


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
The walmart near me has good fish. they never look bad. just like a petco or petsmart all are different. I prefer to go to the lil stores that specalize in fish. they seem to care more cause there lively hood depends on it.

Dec 23, 2005
Please do not start a Walmart rant again. It annoys the crap out of me:mad: Okay now that that is out of me, I luv Guppy, by the way you put the qoutes of the good walmart, think of how healthier and cheaper the fish will be then at an LFS. Anyway, I wouldn't recommend buying fish from walmart, but yes I've done it and she is surviving:DYou really have to look at the fish before you buy them. I simply found my platy that looked the healthiest and look its still living. If you can't pick out a healthy one, just simply wait another time. But really, if you want REALLY healthy fish suggest going to an LFS that you KNOW is good with taking care of fish. Hopefully, workers at Walmart will finally figure out and do something about the several fish in one of thier tanks that are suffering.


Superstar Fish
Mar 14, 2006
Sacramento, California
Sometimes I dont wish I had a car because there is a lot of crazy stuff that goes on on the city bus. Like 1 time my friend got on the shuttle with me and her favorite song came on the radio, she asked the driver to turn it uop so he did. Then she starts to sing, asks me to sing, I say yeah, then the whole shuttle turned into a party.

I think you need to judge each store by itself not the brand name ... it depends on the employees! Also think about how small the fish/pet dept is ... the people in charge there prob have the whole seasonal dept too... use your best judgement ... the tanks here always look clean (ontario canada) but getting knowledge ... well big als is closer ... but petsmart has better health guarrantees but less selection ... basically u have to judge each store on its own ... for those that belong to cichlid-forum.com ...they have a section where local stores are rated ... put in your town and find out what people are saying about them.