wal-mart stuff


Small Fish
Dec 9, 2002
fort collins co
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The reason you should not buy from WALMART is that is takes away from your locally owned fish store!!
This in turn drives the quality of fish down because walmart does not buy from reputable fish breeders just whoever is cheapest

Anyplace you can buy shoes and food and fish should not be !!


Small Fish
Dec 9, 2002
fort collins co
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I think if you read my post you would realize that i said That it is My OPIONION to help the local pet suppliers in order to keep quality products and quality animals within reach and screen out the dieseased overproduced cheaper anything!! Because dead animals do not bring anyone much pleasure!!:mad:

Oct 22, 2002
Oh I see whats coming D-D-Dude:)

Fishy boycott!!!

It really depends though....on your opinion, you cna get the same things at a LFs...with better info.

I find MY Wlmart to be expensive.


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
My asumption was if it was a good Idea to get equpment from Wal-mart not fish.. being it is posted in the MyFishTank.Net > FreshWater Topics > Equipment > Category.. and my oppinion is this.. Sure whynot get it at walmart if its cheaper? I bought my 55 gallon tank at walmart for 160 some odd dollars with heater, filter and lights.. of with the only one of them items I am using anymore is the heater cause lighting wasnt enough.. and I am not using that kind of filter on saltwater setup.. the filter was made by MarineLand and was marketed as something else dont remember the name right off hand.. but if you like Penguin filters you will like the filters are walmart..

Dec 5, 2002
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As far as supporting a local fish store, hey if you got a good one to support go for it, as for mine, shhesh what can i say? my 5 yr old neice knows more about fish than the owner, her fish are sicker than walmarts!

maybe things are different in other states but my setup from walmart as a fraction of the price of my lfs, and i drove to petco and petland 1 hour away, and they were higher than the lfs, un real for a box of glass


Small Fish
Dec 9, 2002
fort collins co
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After Reading some of your posts i feel for you guys if your lfs does not fall in line with most of the large pet stores they are kidding themselves and will not be open long. That is too bad, i find that walmart has no equipment that would work for me and is higher than my lfs. I religiously use hagen powerheads and this is something i have NEVER seen there. For me there is nothing at walmart in the pet dept that i would want because i have a local store that suits my needs due to a wealth of experience there. They have seen it through thick and thin. To the most tedious of stupid questions when i was a teenie weenie newbie, To special ordering parts for my equipment. I would like to see walmart do that with a smile! Futher more whenever i even go into walmart there is noone ever in that dept to ask questions to nntheless books or reading materials!!

THis is my opinion and my soap box. You dont have to like it!!

Dec 29, 2002
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Here in Indiana, we are a little short on fish stores. Lucky for us though, Walmart isn't the only place here in town. Sadly, its far from the worst. (or maybe that isn't a sad thing). There are a few other places, one "Aquarium(sp) World" specializes in....duh....from standard types to custom made....tanks there can get expensive. Though I'd love some of them...lol...fish prices I'm not sure on. Now though, back to Walmart. Far as fish go, I lost a betta bought from there. The newest one, out of 4 total bought, has decided to eat and live (woohoo!) every time I go and look, at least one tank has a dead fish. Equipment, here I have no clue...the artificial plants work nice, though selection isn't great. Hoods are limited...no replacement bulbs. Pretty much they want you to buy their kits. Far as the Penguin filters go....mine is a biowheel :D not sure about any other models, but all I have seen are biowheels.


Large Fish
Nov 6, 2002
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Re: Walmart

Originally posted by DDDude
I think if you read my post you would realize that i said That it is My OPIONION to help the local pet suppliers in order to keep quality products and quality animals within reach and screen out the dieseased overproduced cheaper anything!! Because dead animals do not bring anyone much pleasure!!:mad:
umm.. you didnt say it was your opinion you more like your telling us not to/.. with your should..


Medium Fish
Nov 26, 2002
Vancouver, BC
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Well, actually, I found it obvious that it was an opinion. I mean, unless you have facts to support a statement, anything is an opinion. I've been hearing this argument ad nauseam lately, since Walmart is trying to move into the city next to mine, Vancouver, and the city council is less than enthusiastic. Realistically, there are arguments for and against Walmart, it depends on what you are focussing on, like price or health, and what the competition is like. And frankly, opinions on Walmart have a lot to do with a person’s political inclination. I have to admit that I’m not fond of Walmart, because it has a tendency to make other businesses fail, like small local businesses or even large chains (such as the recent financial troubles of Au Coton and Cotton Ginny) and that it is not Canadian, but I have the freedom to make that choice. I might make a different choice if I lived in an area where Walmart was the best deal in town. Either way, each situation is unique, and no one should be condemned for their choice. I hope I haven’t offended anyone, I didn’t mean to.

dont beat on me because i work for walmarts pet section

Hey leve the walmart fish guy and gals alone it not always owr falt the tanks have dead fish ask to talk to managment and coment them on there tanks dont bad mouth us in my stor i have books on fish so if i dont know something about a fish i can look it up . i agree that sometimes the tanks dont look to good but theres a reason for that we do get new people working in the pets department and sometimes there not so smart . i hate to hear someone talking behind my back at the store saying that tanks full of dead fish i whouldnt buy fish from them ok !!!!1 we get them from the sam place as our local pet store . our town pet store looks like crap id rather buy fish from walmart than there . maby you should think about some of this stuff the next time your in walmart badmouthing the pets department i personly work my ass of keeping my tanks clean and healthy . thank you for takeing the time to read this over and for conserding what i have sad


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I dont buy livestock from wally world due to the fact that I am fourtunate enough to have one and a half good LFS. I say one and a half because one is always good and the other depends on who is working. They are a larger fish store, so the same person is not always there to give the same information, or even correct info. The other is much, much smaller, and only the owner runs the place. As for walmart, there is many different people who work in the pet dpmt, and not always will you find someone there who even knows what a fish tank is suposed to look like, much less info on fish. There are however a select few who do know about fish, and who do go the extra mile to try and findsomething out if you have a question. Personaly, I just have better LFS with better prices and better selection.
And unless I am in a fix, or am setting up a non display tank, or even a small display tank, I will order my equpment elsewhere. Not that I have ever found a problem with the stuff I buy at wal mart, shoot, my first HOB filter came from wal mart 4 years ago and it still runs as good as a new one.
It all comes down to personal choice, and preferance.


Large Fish
Jan 14, 2003
Calgary, Alberta
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This is largerly a matter of location. Of the 2 Wal-Marts even in my city, one looks like crap, and the other is spotless. It's usually based on the location and clientelle of the store. The same can be said about lfs' and the pet depts of Wal-marts in your city. Just do the intelligent thing and look around. Go to all your lfs' and then go to Wal-mart, compare prices for equipment, compare the health and selection of fish at each, and decide based upon that where and what to buy from each. Everyone will have their own experience with their local Wal-mart, and so its not necessarily objective. Wal-mart, like Petlands and Petcetera's might be a national store line, but that doesn't mean the quality of service is equal among every single store, or with every single employee.


Small Fish
Jan 26, 2003
Fresno, CA
Fish stores.

I bought my fish at Walmart except for 2 and they are all doing fine. I made sure none of the fish in the tanks I chose from were sick or yucky looking. And if they die, you can always get a refund. I like Petsmart though, but you stand there all day trying to get some help. I think it's all in who's watching the tanks at Walmart not where they buy their stuff. Sure it's cheaper, but not by much. It costs about $1.50 more for the same fish at Petsmart. The specialty store wanted $3 more for the same fish plus the guy in there pretty much ignored us the whole time. I asked for freshwater fish and he said "over there on the wall." He didn't have as many selections as Walmart and he's an Aquatic pet store. Most of his stuff was saltwater fish anyways. And he never once asked if he could help us with anything. Very bad employee. They had no descriptions on their tanks and I had no clue which fish could live with which, etc. Glad some of you have excellent specialty stores.