walmart and what you think about it?

you like walmart for fish stuff

  • sucks

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • alright

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • good prices fish suck

    Votes: 11 50.0%
  • everything is good i love the store

    Votes: 2 9.1%

  • Total voters
Feb 2, 2003
North Dakota
Oh great....not THIS debate again....oh well

Personally, I do not agree with buying fish at walmart, or any other place that frequntly neglects there fish and sell them for cheap, I believe it to be morally incorrect.

Now, supplies are a little different. I buy some supplies there, out of conveniace, but I always try to give my money to the locally owned business. Sometimes though, there prices are just to high (like on filters and such) and then I will go to some on-line store that specializes on fish. I understand though that somepeople do not have a LFS or the acces to the internet and then it is okay to get supplies from walmart.

I don't like giving money to the "Big Guys"


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I love Walmart. Unabashedly will admit that :) Their clothes, their stuff, their prices.

The exception is their fish. Their fish are disgusting, frequenly neglected, dead, otherwise unhealthy. I wouldn't buy a fish from them.

I get my fish supplies from whoever has what I want at the cheapest price. If my lfs has better quality stuff I'll get it from them. If walmart has the same brand of stuff for cheaper I'll get it from them! (and they usually do!)

Jun 8, 2003
I like walmart.. Their fish aren't cheap that's for sure.

Our walmart has NEVER had dead fish in there that i've ever noticed. I don't buy supplies there much since I can get them at work with my discount cheaper..

But the walmart where we used to live had the worst track record for fish.. That is when we lived in texas though. I've heard a lot of bad things about the walmart's in the states..

Maybe they aren't so bad in canada? Any imput from the other canuk's would help



Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Calgary AB
I buy tanks, I buy some flake (my staple food -tetra min); filter cartridges... I have bought fish there; but since I learned to identify good/bad fish; I dont. Minor exception given to the bolivian rams I picked up this year(Couldn't get them anywhere else).



Large Fish
Mar 9, 2003
ontario, canada
Visit site
they have good prices on equipment and ive only seen one with a small fish section..but they are gettin better stuff with time...startin to see more hagen supplies and cheap plastic plants and such..but they got alot of junk things too

May 21, 2003
Indianapolis, IN
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People shouldn't bash the care of Walmart's fish. The Walmart by my house has the cleanest tanks and the healthliest fish around here. There are more dead fish at my LFS. Walmart normally hires one person to take care of that section. It just so happens the guy at my walmart is a professional.

So I think it varies from store to store. Even though my Walmart is awsome, I'll take everyones advice and conclude that MOST Walmarts suck, but not all.

I think thier supplies are great and for a good price.

Jun 28, 2003
Scottsdale, Arizona
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Walmart? Umm.. no. Out here in the desert I don't think they give the fish proper shipping. Alot of times I see thier fish dead.. or on thier last legs. *sheesh* You'd think they 'care'.

Off subject a wee bit, I went to a local Petco the other day and noticed small cups with aquarium salt in them in the tanks, well thier fish were GREAT except one thing... one tank had dalmation mollies stuck in the cup of salt.

It's sad to hear from a salesperson, 'We let the store that we get our fish from deal with problems like that.' Poor mollies...

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Jul 2, 2003
Michigan USA
walmart adrian michigan sux!

I only buy my fish food and tanks from this walmarts cause every time i go in there their whole tank system has system ich and has sign hangin saying fish not for sale!

Dunno if its the people taking care of the fish or if its the place they get fish from.:confused:

anyhow thats my 2 cents


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
I will agree that it depends on each individual wal*mart. I have been saddend at my wal*mart I once saw a tank with dead angelfish :( as well as other dead fish. I believe that they are taken care of at some Wal*marts, but not all.

Jul 15, 2003
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I agree with AmazonTankz about doing business with the lfs even if it means that I end up spending $3 or $4 more, maybe $5 in some cases. The reason Wal-Mart is so cheap is because they can afford to be. If local businesses could make money and still afford to restock their shelves then their prices could go down too. Where I live we just recently got a lfs again (the last time we had one everybody spent $5 in gas to drive 35 miles to get their stuff a buck or 2 cheaper then guess what - no lfs anymore). Now we have one again, they are knowledgable and have good quality stuff and I for one am going to support them because its a bi*ch to have to drive and spend half an afternoon whenever I want to do something for my fish tanks.

However, back to the question that you asked, some Wal-Marts have sucky fish, some have alright fish. I had to stock my 29 gal from there and I have had no problems. I think that if you trust your gut instinct when you look at the fish you can't go wrong. If you think something is outta whack, don't buy. If they all appear healthy and no dead fish etc in the tank, then go ahead. But I still think that if at all possible you should help the small businesses out.

Jun 28, 2003
Scottsdale, Arizona
Visit site
lol I recently drove by a livestock feed store that is near where I live, and saw 'See our Tropical Fish!' on their marquee. I thought '*psshh* a feed store with fish, I bet they only have goldfish and guppies.'

But NO! I was surprised how many species they had and they had BEAUTIFUL tanks where they were kept. You could tell they put forth alot of effort in upkeep on those tanks, and every fish it seemed uber-healthy.

For the Phoenix locals, it's on the SE corner of Cave Creek and Grovers.

Jul 9, 2003
i buy almost all my supplys and i bought a 10gallon glass tank with hood w/ lights and hob filter and some other stuff for $29.99 theyve got some good deals. and the fish there look pretty decent actually, they have lots and the only dead ones ive ever seen were a couple dead bettas in the little betta bowls. and they have a bunch of bala sharks in a small tank. but i still dont buy fish from there because of the horror storys ive heard.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
as always this can go both ways.i have been to walmarts that are fine for all your fish needs and some that are fish hell.i don't buy a fish from walmart unless it's a contaminate fish(fish that wasn't supposed to be shiped)or a REALLY good batch of fish.heck some of my oldest fish are from walmart,but in general it's a great place to buy low key items or stuff that is too high priced in your lfs.the package deal setups are a good buy to get you started and then upgrade parts you don't like once the tank is running.also sense walmart is usualy open real late or 24 hours it's a great place for emergency never know when your going to need a backup heater or filter at 2 in the morning
also if the only place in your area is walmart for fish stuff screw it buy fish there,why cut yourself out of the hobby cause you don't have a lfs.BUT when possible please support your lfs(heck i've thought of opening one lately)

Jul 2, 2003
Michigan USA
Wally World

what i dont get is you go to get fish and they have a section of the tank with an X on it saying fish not for sale but if you look all the other tanks are connect to that same tank. (one huge filter for a 25 tank unit)

So if one type of fish gets a fungus or what so ever they rope the spot in the tank system off and treat it. Would that fungus and treatment solution carry on to all the other fish. Just like the one day they all had ich.

That Confuses me lol:confused: