WalMart, INC, Betta abuse!!!!


New Fish
May 30, 2005
I am a Walmart cashier.

This evening at work I went to the pet section to look at the bettas because I had heard some kids had put some males together (a customer separated them when he saw it) and I wanted to see if they were badly ripped up.

They were fine, BUT I saw a Walmart Betta Care Notice taped up to the shelf.

This notice was CHOCK FULL of BAD information!!!

It said the "cup provided" is a "perfect environment for your betta", and to do "partial water changes once a week or so"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ladies and gentlemen, unlike most betta abuse which occurs at WalMart, this is not something that would differ from store to store. This is a caresheet put out BY WALMART for use in it's pet departments!

You see, you can't just put any information out there for the customer. Anything taped up HAS TO BE WRITTEN UP AND APPROVED BY THE WALMART HOME OFFICE. This sheet had "WalMart, Inc" on the bottom. This is Home Office material.

We need to "flood the gates" on the WalMart complaint phonelines, email and mail!!
We need to TAKE ACTION against WalMart Inc as a corporation!

Please do everything you can to spread the word!!!

Wal-Mart Stores Contact Information

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To reach the Contact Center of Wal-Mart Stores, call 1-800-WALMART (1-800-925-6278), from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. (CT) Monday - Friday, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. (CT) Saturday or from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. (CT) Sunday.
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New Fish
May 30, 2005
I think it would be helpful too. Problem is, I don't know if I can get a copy of it. If I just took it, I could be reprimanded because I am an employee.

I'll see if I can get a copy... might take a few days... and I really doubt I can.
I quoted the worst of it. It really does say that the cups "provided" are a "perfect environment". It compares the cup with muddy rice paddy puddles. As if cups of water with a week's worth of excrement in them are better than filtered, but muddy water.

If it is what I think it is, which is something WalMart has decided it's betta-selling stores should post in their pet depts, you should find it in your local WalMart as well, eithe rnow or soon. I know it went up within the last day or so. Maybe you'd be able to see for yourself. I mean, if it is my word in question, then I could post anything at all and say it was the caresheet. Anyway, I know I would want to see it in the store for myself before taking action.

I just want people to know it is there, it is incorrect, and it seems to be from the Home Office and intended for all pet departments which sell bettas. If you were to rip it down, they would have to replace it with another of the same. WalMart as a company wrote it and decided it should be there. If you were to replace it with your own, they would have to rip yours down. EVEN IF THE PET DEPT MGR AGREED YOURS WAS BETTER. This has to do with WalMart corporate policy on things that can be posted. All postings must be approved by the WalMart Home Office. This posting has the "WalMart, Inc" on the bottom. It is official WalMart literature. A complaint to the store manager will not fix this. This is a corporate decision.

That is why I am so upset! The COMPANY ITSELF has endorsed this caresheet!

So, go see it for yourself or not, but please call!
I will be calling in the morning.


Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
Hi Kathy. How did you make out with the bogus care sheet. That is so wrong. My sister's co-worker has a betta at work that lives in a 1 or 2 gallon bowl. Not sure on the size. Anyway my sister told me that she hardly cleans the bowl. She ask Jen is she would clean it today and she said she did..two weeks ago! And she also stated that bettas LIKE swimming in murky water! Sure any fish would give up their heated, filtered aquarium and live in a see through toliet. )-: I wonder if she got the betta at petsmart and read the care sheet. Jen is stubborn and does not like to be told what to do. But if the water is not changed soon my sis is going to let me in her office and I will clean the d**n bowl!


Medium Fish
Aug 3, 2005
I haven't noticed the sign at our local Walmart...yet. Today I was at Petsmart and looked at their Bettas....wanted one but waiting until I can have a suitable tank for it. I almost feel like getting one out of that cramped little jar is more like a rescue! I personally would never put a fish in a vase with roots with the only source of foods.

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
I know what you mean sapphire. I got my Betta from Petsmart. When I picked UB up he saw me and went stir crazy! Wigglin back and forth so fast like he was pretending he was actually swimming in that 8 ounce cup. His face was like "Get me out of here! Pick me! Choose me, Pleeaassee!"

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
I know! I can't stand them in those little so called "Betta Containers" I don't care what they are callled they are still just tiny cups. Most of the fish just lay on the bottom or stay at the surface not moving, what else can they do? I know alot are sold so they do not stay long, but still each day is agony for them.

BTW Jen also has a betta at home, my sister says she treats him the same way, she had him for 4 years! Poor guy lives in turmoil all that time. Even if my little UB only lives 1-2 years (5 if I am lucky (-: ) but I concertrate on the quality of his life not the quanity.


Large Fish
Jun 1, 2005
Near Chicago, IL
Slightly off-topic, but I saw fish in a Walmart for the first time on Tuesday. The 2 walmarts that are nearest to my house are newer (within last 5 years) and neither sell fish, only supplies. I was at an older walmart on the other side of town, and was horrified to see how they had fish. There were small (probably 8gal) tanks so full of fish they could barely move - and they were putting more in. They had mixmatches of fish that should not be together all over the place. A lot of fish were labeled wrong too. I've heard of the mistreatment of fish at, and the complaints about, Walmart - but this was the first time I'd seen fish there. Wow. I'll stick to paying more for my good specimines from Dean, the owner of the LFS.

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
If everyone just did not buy fish from walmart, then the stores would stop selling them. Department stores should not sell fish or live animals. There are some Walmarts that are probably good with fish, but I think that is uncommon. Walmart should stick with merchandise and leave the animals to LFS.

I'm SO GLAD we have no walmarts in England... otherwise, frankly, i'd go crazy at them, i love a good complaint, especially for a horrific cause like this. People don't seem to realise FISH are ACTUALLY ANIMALS. If it had been a dog stuck in a tiny cage, or cramped conditions, complaints would be flooding in.. some people are so ignorant.


Large Fish
Mar 2, 2005
Simi Valley, CA
I know! What is so hard to understand about fish having the need to have a space to live in!
I heard that the Wal-Mart in my area, Simi Valley, is going to stop selling bettas. I say hip, hip, hurray! I do not like them mistreating bettas like that!
(We should make tha manager go swiming in a tank full of bettas, I heard that, in comparison to their size, bettas have some of the strongest jaws in the world! I know too, my new betta, Sunny, likes to nip me.)


Medium Fish
Sep 18, 2005
Well, I know exactly why many people don't consider them 'REAL' pets: B/C you can't pet them (physically stroke and scratch etc etc, though my 'Chubby' the Lionhead Goldie is so friendly and tame, I could pet him if I wanted to, but I heard that was bad. Anyone know why? Sometimes I can't avoid this contact, cuz 'Chubby' keeps chasing my hand when I'm vacumming the gravel, doh! I thought fish were supposed to run and keep away from the vacuum! Not Chubby!).

Also, traditional pets that comprise the majority are not eaten (normally, like dogs, cats, horse, blah blah). Fish are eaten a lot, so..that probably adds to that skewed view.

Then of course there's the intelligence issue. Dogs, cats=intelligence. Fish=Less intelligence, therefore, less value on life, therefore, people care about it less.

The intelligence issue also links to the "Do fish feel pain?" question/issue. People ask me this many times. It confuses me. Of course fish feel pain. Feeling pain is simply brain's recognition of certain sensations and providing the correct response. Fish obviously are capable of this, so people, stop asking! The real question being asked is 'Are fish intelligent enough that we care whether they feel pain or not??' Whoops, stupid question, monkeys and apes are among the smartest creatures in the world, yet they get mistreated all the time. Nevermind.

For me, I don't consider my fish pets (esp. Chubby!). The word pet denotes a lowered class or status. My fish are my companions, end of story.