Walmart's fish are dying!! Really sad

Dec 11, 2002
Flint, Michigan
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I just noticed some white spots on my fish's tail fin and asked what it was on this form and they said it was ick so I read up a little on it thenl I went up to my local Walmart to get some stuff to clear it up and I looked at their fish and my jaw about dropped when I saw the majority of their 15 tanks contaminated with ick it was horrible the poor catfish was completely covered with ick. So I told the store manager to take care of it we'll see if she does. I am going back up there later today or tomorrow and if she doesn't have those tanks closed down from selling and started curing the disease then I will tell someone who can do something about it. Who can I contact? I will have my digital camera with me and post some pics later.



Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Calgary AB
A call to the local SPCA would do the trick...

All walmarts (no matter what their location) apparently get their fish from a central distribution point, in los angeles, from there they're flown to the 'local' distribution points (in canada thats in toronto) then distributed to the local outlets... I know here they're in transit for in excess of a week.

You can occasionally get some good fish from walmart (All my black skirt tetras came from there) But quarantine procedures are MANDATORY, for at least 30 days. I have gotten many fish from there, but I pick and choose when I buy... I'm also very picky about which fish I'll take (many of theirs are fish that should never have left the breeder, obvious culls). What can I say :) I'm cheap!


Dec 11, 2002
Flint, Michigan
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Dec 11, 2002
Flint, Michigan
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Oh they have more tanks than I thought they had probably about 25 tanks and almost everyone has the disease. I would have taken more pictures but my batteries died there was one poor angelfish that was really bad I wanted to take a pic of. I'm just soooo mad at that place.


Dec 5, 2002
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My walmart pet department is horrible! Only time I get fish is right after they come in from the distribution center. which here is tuesday. Biggest problem here is trying ot get someone to get your fish, no one is ever around so I just get them myself.

When the betta in the cups were really nasty i wrote and ever since the cups have been very clean. so i dunno if that worked or not.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Kalamazoo, MI
I've found with Meijer that it entirely depends on who is in charge of the department, or who takes care of the fish (or doesn't) I've been to some walmarts, some are good some aren't. I know of a Meijer that has a lady that takes care of the fish like they were her own. She won't order specific fish that can catch ick easily. I've just decided to quit buying from walmart because it's just contributing to the problem. If they can continue to sell the fish than they will continue to keep them sick and for sale.

Ditto, Wal-Mart, Meijers, even Pet Smart, don't take care of their fish. I went to Meijers which is like a super Wal-Mart if you never heard of it, and every single tank was half empty of water. At least 5 dead fish in every tank, and the tanks were so dirty! It was disgusting, we reported it to a manager, but I'm not sure what was done.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Here is what you can do if you really care that much about Walmart's fish that you need to yell at the manager.

1) Write a tactful (no swear words or death threads) letter to the following folks:
a) Store manager
b) District manager
c) Regional manager
d) Company CEO, President, and Board of Directors

Explain exactly what made you unhappy, tell them you will rally others to boycott their store if something is not done, and also give them possible solutions.

2) Stand around the fish department and discourage other customers from purchasing their fish. Hand out educational literature about ich. Have people sign a petition you can mail with your letter above.

Unfortunately fish are not protected by any Animal Welfare Act, nor do pet-shops or Walmarts fall under USDA juristiction. The only thing your local ASPCA would be able to do is give them a warning. But technically speaking, Walmart is not breaking any laws. Neither are Petcos, Petsmarts, or any other LFS that carries fish or birds. Hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, ferrets, dogs, cats, and non-human primates are the only animals protected by Federal Animal Welfare. Each state might have other legislation to cover rats and mice, but no where do they cover fish, birds, or reptiles.

The only way to get big corporations to listen is to hit them where it hurts, the profits. Only by not shopping at these places =at all= will that be effective. Even if you boycott Walmart fish, when you buy toilet paper there, you're still only promoting their fish department.

Good luck.

Dec 11, 2002
Flint, Michigan
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Well now my 6th fish has died :( in in past 3 days. I have went back up to Walmart today and they are still selling the fish out of the contaminated tanks. I talked to another manager and he said that the fish guy came and treated the tanks but they are still selling!!! This is making me even more mad. :mad: Well I told him he is going to pay for my dead fish and he said he has no problem with that but I have to talk to the store manager. He also said that he would make sure they paid for the medicine I had to buy from them. Well I just wanted to update everyone on here, I know I'm probaly getting too worked up or am I? I'm probably posting too much also but then again if someone doesn't post then we wouldn't have anything to read lol :D


Dec 5, 2002
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No your not posting too much, I'm glad to know I'm no the only one who gets mad about this kind of thing.

Those pictures make my walmart look good! And they are far from good.

My LFS, made me mad the other day, seeing all the dead fish in the tanks, and then I see the girl working, hanging Christmas lights. I was like geez, she acts lik e she has nothing to do,...... maybe get the dead fish out, but I think thatis asking too much