want frags of corals or fresh one's


Medium Fish
Mar 30, 2009
hello to all
guys if anyone have recordia,frogspawn,mushrooms,plate,xenia and bubble coral
if anyone has this stuff then contact
actully i am coming to america next month
and i want to buy these corals from one of you guys
any experienced guy got this stuff then please tell me the price
i will pickup and pay when i reach america next month
i want lots of recordia rock & mushrooms
that is my first choice
ill be coming to new york


Medium Fish
Mar 30, 2009
i also want best live rock available for my 30 gallon tank
25 labs would be good
aquacultured would be appretiated
and also want marine coral nutrition,red slime remover,grounding probe,all the stuff so dont need anything till next one year
i told you my tank is 30 gallon
so i need everything exept fish
ill be taking stuff direct to my country
i want someone who can make things ready when i reach


Large Fish
Aug 15, 2009
Even if I had one of these animals I wouldn't give one to you... You certainly aren't ready for any animals from what I have read... Your lack of discipline over your buyers impulse makes me trust you less and less, and from what I've read, you won't be ready for quite a while... I hope that you don't find someone who will help you, because of the fact that you won't do any of the proper, appropriate, and neccesary measures for the animals...


Medium Fish
Mar 30, 2009
i believe live rock can imported
yeah live rock can be put into water proff luggage
good idea
anymore ideas
and please someone come up for giving me those animals
person from new york would be good
ill be taking stock upto 500$
i want to take evrything rom only one person
or only from this site
as you people sound very phinicy about these animals
i adorded that
thats why i posted this issue only for you guys
in my country these animals are banned
however i am very pleased to do this job for my love


Medium Fish
Mar 30, 2009
ill be coming with my 70 students like me in one flight
and we will study there for 5 days in an university in america
then for 4 days ill be coming to new york then i will take everything before entering the airport
i can carry few mushrooms in my hand ...
i took my electric guitar also when i was coming from london
no body asked me nothing
i just want to know can corals will survive 24 hours
i want to carry 4 bags of corals in my hand
which are recordia,mushroom which are like umbrella,frogspawn,plate coral
and 25 labs of best live rock(cured)and 1 year old in tank
i want things to be growned on that live rock(i will pay good amount for that)(cash)
and ill be needing fish food,coral food
3 bottels each content
like live bacteria,red slim remover,ich -deseases medicines,koralia power head,anti phosphate substrate,algae controllers liquids, everything to make a nano jetpack(genome-T604)
i havent given a name to my tank yet but when it will complete i will call it genome T-604
means (no lust only watch)T means no,6 means lust,o means only,4 means watch
and genome is a cyborg machine named after a cell which mutaites evry hours becouse my tank recycles 604 times every 24 hours
and i need recordia i need to add a recorder of light given to genome
and every coral has different role in my tank
so need them heathy
so that why.....i am coming to america only for these animals
i know its bannned in my country but i will do anything to get them here in my genome
i know nobody will stop when boarding from america
but in my country they will but i fight for them just on the airport
and if they wont let me take those i will break them there and then in front of them
that is how bad i need them !!!!
ok now anybody wants to empty there tank for few bucks

If you thought I was an indian your wrong... For one thing, they don't use computers if they are true indians, blood doesn't matter, it's a lifestyle choice... Secondly, I do not believe your going to get around your airport security.... Thirdly, unless you begin to listen to the people here, your never gonna have anything survive past a year or so...

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
Ok, first off, I was only kidding about the waterproof luggage. Only a moron would fill their luggage with water and put a bunch of Live rock and corals in it. Secondly, an electric guitar is not the same as Saltwater livestock. Its against the law to transport fruit on an airplane. Could you imagine what customs would do if they saw some dude walking off a plane with bags of livestock. Heck, you would never make it past US airport checkpoint with that stuff. TSA would stop you at the gate. I'm sure you won't find anyone here willing to sell you anything.

Feb 27, 2009
It will never make it through security to get OUT of the USA. I wonder what they do with what they will confinscate. Hopefully the seller can get the animals back safely. Might be a good scam ROFL


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
i know someone who went to MACNA this year and tried to bring home a few things on the plane and it got taken away before she boarded the plane! she wasnt even leaving the country either .... 100% gaurenteed you will not make it back ON THE PLANE with livestock... your better off trying to ship it next day if you absolutley need to bring stuff back... BTW what country do you live in?

I think he said great britian. I'm planning on going to MACNA this year in Orlando, and seeing as it is in my state I could actually make sure my live stock were handled carefully lol... Just gotta make sure that I buy when were leaving... Or set up a temporary tank in the hotel, which isn't very likely lol...


Medium Fish
Feb 21, 2009
if you're asked what's is the bag at the airport, just answer : C4, Allāhu Akbar.
But seriously, if they refuse water bottles in plane..awww whatever..
go ahead, have fun.
LMAO! Oh my goodness, I laughed so hard. Anyway, no way you're going to get those things through customs. After 9/11 we've really cracked down on security. If you want to try go ahead, but make sure to post here so I can have a good laugh.
If you get caught (which you will), do you realize how bad it'll be. I'm not sure of India's regs. on this sort of thing, but I guarantee you, it is illegal. Well, whatever. Enjoy your time in America!

Just out of curiosity do you read the posts in response to your threads. Because I really do not think you even skim them. Anyways, good luck. hahaha

LMAO! Oh my goodness, I laughed so hard. Anyway, no way you're going to get those things through customs. After 9/11 we've really cracked down on security. If you want to try go ahead, but make sure to post here so I can have a good laugh.
If you get caught (which you will), do you realize how bad it'll be. I'm not sure of India's regs. on this sort of thing, but I guarantee you, it is illegal. Well, whatever. Enjoy your time in America!

Just out of curiosity do you read the posts in response to your threads. Because I really do not think you even skim them. Anyways, good luck. hahaha
Shhh, we don't want to become accessories! ROFL we'll all probably laugh our butts off when he comes back and says "they caught me... why didnt you guys tell me?" rofl...