Want to try breeding demasoni. Need advice.

Jul 20, 2003
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I have lots of questions.

I want to try breeding demasoni. My idea is to by a 30g (36"x12"x16") and make an acrylic panel isolating about 1/3 of the tank with small (1/8" or so) diameter holes for water circulation. I'd like to get 1 male and 2 or 3 females to keep in the larger side (24"x12"x16"), then when one of the females is holding, put her on the smaller (12"x12"x16") side until she spits, then use it as a grow out tank. I thought by splitting one tank and overfiltering (I was thinking an Emperor 280 for a 30g), I could save on buying 2 tank setups for separate breeding and grow out tanks.

So, my questions are:
1. Has anybody bred demasoni? Any tips on water parameters, special care, how to encourage breeding, etc.?

2. Is 1 male and 2 or 3 females a good ratio, and is the tank large enough?

3. What do you think about using 1 tank for breeding and grow out?

Jan 19, 2003
Stavanger, Norway
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I haven't specifically bred demasoni ... but

It's a good idea. I would say that I've heard demasoni are snappy, and so I think at least 3 females to a male - 2 is not enough as if you remove one, it's 1:1.
If you partition off 1 foot, you're left with 2 feet , as said above, and that's not big enough. Go for a 4 or 5 foot long tank - tank size isn't just about inches per gallon, but controlling unpleasant behaviour, or at least minimising damage