Want to use parts from SW tank for FW?


Medium Fish
Jul 2, 2003
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After looking at the cost of SW fish, rock, etc. I decided to setup the 130 SW tank that I will be picking up this weekend as a FW tank.

Will it be okay to use the same filter? I plan to clean the tank, filter, heater, etc. really well and plan to buy new media for the filter. Will this be enough to clean it? Do I need anything for a large FW tank besides the filter, heater, lights? I'll probably keep the SW specific parts for later or sell them.


May 19, 2003
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if it is a regular hang on back type filter, (probably would be more than one for a 130g tank) i'm guessing it'll work for either fresh or saltwater, no problems...

as far as other stuff goes, the heater, thermometer, etc. should also carry over...

i dont think you'll have a problem with most of the stuff unless there is a lot of SW specialty pieces in there (aka, protein skimmer, salinity meter thingy, etc.). filters, heaters, etc. should carry over though...


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I think that should be plenty to clean it...hot water dissolves salt and I would think that the only buildups (aside from anything that got on it while it was in storage) would be from salt or hardwater deposits.

I agree that you ought to be able to use a lot of the stuff, but probably best to wait and see exactly what you are getting with it and test the stuff. Just because someone had it set up before doesn't necessarily mean they did it correctly right? :) I would especially test the heater once you get everything set up and cycling...heaters tend to be the flakiest part of used setups in my opinion.

Feb 2, 2003
North Dakota
I agree with Catfishmike, what exsactly are you getting? I have heard that you can use Saltwater equip. for FW tanks even protein skimmers if you want. But since they are used I would just make sure that all the salt creep is gone if there is any, that way the saly doesn't leak into you set up later. It might not kill your fish if it happens (not sure the different between FW and SW salt) But I would still like to know what is going into my tank.

Jan 19, 2003
Stavanger, Norway
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If it's been run as a reef then the filter is probably a skimmer and you can't practically use that, nor can you you use any of the roxk or sand. Other than that, wash it like heck , and then some more.
But agreed, what do you get. Oh , and get the light specs. - ask if it's actiinic, 10000k or what