Wanted: Plants


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
Before I order online, I'm looking for some plants, so if you got 'em, share the wealth! Will pay cash, trade, or both. Some of the plants I have will be available in the future, and will be added to the list. Some of the plants I want will replace the fast growing ones I will be getting rid of, so keep this post in mind over the next month of so.


Heteranthera Zosterfolia
Hemianthus Caltrichoides
Limnophila Aromatica
Eusteralis Stellata (will accept "broad leaf" version)
Rotalla Macranda

I'm sure there's some others I would be interested in. Let me know what you got! I have plenty of "common" plants, so no duckweed, please! :D

For sale/trade/give away:

Pearlweed (Micranthemum Micranthemoides)
Green Hygro (Hygrophila Polysperma)
Echinodorus oriental (I think, lol!)
Echinodorus bleheri
Hygrohpila difformis
Vallisneria americana (gigantea)
Vallisneria spiralis
Tiger Lotus (red)
Cryt. Wendtii "brown"
Echinodorus Tennellus

Give me a week or two for some of these...I'm using some until the plants grow in and my tank becomes balanced in order to avoid algae. I will have mass quantities of green hygro in a couple of weeks (free). There will also be others as well; check back for an updated list.

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Large Fish
Jan 28, 2003
Louisville ky
I'll trade you some Heteranthera Zosterfolia for some dwarf hair grass.

I also have:

Didiplis diandra
Rotala indica
Rotalla wallichii
Java moss
Mayaca fluviatilis

I wont send Glosso because it doesnt do good in mail unless sent overnight. Leopardess tried to send me some but the damn mail came after 6 days when it was suposed to get here in 2-3 days...


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
I just replanted a few strands of DHG in my new tank. I had a nice patch going on in another tank until algae took it over. If it takes as long to establish itself in the new tank as it did the old one, it could be a while. I'm hoping it doesn't. It grows very quickly when not impeded.

I might be interested in the Didiplis too, but last time I tried it, my luck wasn't very good. Don't worry about the glosso...I'll pass.