Wanted - Python 69-A Adaptor

Oct 4, 2006
The adaptor is the one for faucets 'with unusual or missing threads' and my faucet is smooooth.
These stupid little adaptors aren't found in any pet store around town and the only online sites that have them I'd much prefer not to enter my credit card info.

So if anyone has one I'd gladly buy it and pay for shipping as well, of course. Or if anyone could point me to a reputable place to get one online, it would be appreciated


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
JackOfHearts27 said:
The adaptor is the one for faucets 'with unusual or missing threads' and my faucet is smooooth.
Umm, okay... please don't shoot me or anything if I'm being dumb, but... you'd be surprised how many times I've seen that question come up, and people just didn't realize that their aerator was still on.
You took your aerator off your faucet, right? and the threads were worn down smooth?
Sorry if you're up to speed on this, but I thought it would be a shame for you to go to the trouble of getting an adaptor and then find out you didn't need it.