Wanting to put Pleco into Cichlid tank.

Apr 13, 2011
Hey guys, just a couple of questions i would like to ask, it is about my pleco who is starting to get to big for my Community fish tank, so i want to put him into my Cichlid tank.

So first question.
Are plecos aloud to go in a tank with sand or is it bad for them?
Can they go with cichlids?

Currently there is sand and lots of hiding places using rocks, but if i completely change it by putting in a softer gravel (if they can't go in sand) and adding some nice driftwood with the rocks, would it be suitable for the Pleco to live in this fish tank?

Thankyou very much and hope to hear from you guys soon!



Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
I have a female bushy nose in my 55 and it fights off the cichlids. and when it's feeding time it's right in there with them feeding away and competing with my catfish for the food that hits the bottom. then i have a small bashful clown in with my brichardi and a male bushy nose in with my growout tank. and those are all african tanks