Warming water for water changes


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
Shelby, NC
I keep my 3 gallon jug of R/O water in the kitchen, and it's usually cold when I'm ready to mix up a new batch of saltwater. I filled a coffee mug with the water and then put it in the microwave for 2 minutes. I did this a second time, and this warmed the water to the correct temperature. I believe it affected the salinity slightly, so next time I'm going to warm the water then add the I/O, which is better cause hotter water mixes faster.

Anyway, is there any adverse affect from microwaving the water to warm up a batch? Microwaving spins water molecules real fast, so I doubt there is anything negative for fish use... but just checking to be sure. :)

Oh, and I had my first casualty in the tank. A hermit crab beat up an astrea snail, pulled it nearly out of its shell. I removed the snail, yanked out the dead part, then returned the shell to the tank for the crabs. This morning I notice a semi-rank smell from the tank. Before it smelled like mixed saltwater, nothing bad. I immediately took out the shell, rinsed it, and some nasty stuff came out that smelled so bad it almost knocked me over. Then did a 1.5 gallon water change, and it smells back to normal now.

Hopefully this won't cause a mini-spike... I tested for ammonia, and it seemed like the usual tan lemonade color was a tad greener, but nothing conclusive. So I water changed to be on the safe side.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
nothing wrong with microwaving to warm up the water. most hydrometers are calibrated for a specific water temp so that is why your salinity reading fluctuates based on temp...they tend to read low (i think) if the water is bellow 78 when you do the test and high if it is over 78. as far as the crab/snail thing it is unavoidable from time to time. the best thing you can do to try to prevent it is get some small shells of varying sizes (but bigger than their current shells obviously) for the crabs to move into. probably won't cause you an ammonia spike, the LR should be able to take care of a little snail death...but yeah, dying stuff really stinks for a little bit and it is always good to remove any little rotting bits if the crabs don't take care of it


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
yeah i usually put each gallon of r/o in the microwave for about 2 mins when doing my water changes.. hmm that reminds me i think ill do a water change right now ;)


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
OCCFan023 said:
when you warm it in the microwave, what size container do you use. Does it take a while to geet all the water heated for your complete water change?
i usually stick the whole gallon in there for about 2 mins and it comes out perfect


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
I think ill just pour the mixed saltwater form my 5 gallon holding container into the biggest container that will fit into my microwave, heat the water for two minuets, then pour the heater water into a bucket. and repeat until enough water is ready.

Lord how long does your water stay warm, it doesnt loose its temperature fast?