Washing Sand


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2005
Vernon, CT
I don't know how you get DI water but I do know from experience it take A LOT of water to rinse sand out so that is have very little if any dust. But if there is dust you can fill your tank about 1/3 to 1/2 full drain the water then add new water. That helps alot.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Can you do the majority of rinsing with tap water and then just "rinse" the tap water off with DI water afterwards? I don't think you'd have enough tap water left in it after rinsing with DI water to make a difference.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I have read much on the subject of rinsing sand......and my conclusion is......don't rinse it. To create a deep sand bed the fine dust particulate is especially helpful and goes a long way in creating the large surface area for the bacteria to cover. It takes a few days for the dust to settle but it will. Personally I didn't rinse my sand at all and it was clear within 24 hrs of me placing my live rock (though I had everything running for a week before that and I was sure it was never going to settle. But one I added my cured live rock and it cycled it was crystal clear.


Large Fish
Mar 1, 2006
Oneida, NY
Hmmmm. Am I rinsing the sand to remove harmful things or am I just rinsing it to remove the dust? I am probably several weeks away from adding any livestock so I don't mind waiting for the water to clear. I am running 3 powerheads and I have pre-filter sponges I can put on all of them to help clear the water if needed. I read others that do not recommend washing the sand as well. One post on another forum sand to add the sand by pouring it into a piece of PVC to get it to the bottom and says that this method causes minimal clouding of the water. I think I may try that.