

Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
With Extras Extras Extras Extras….

Package Includes:
* 90 Gallon Aquarium & Black Stand
*Emperor 400 Water Filter
*2 Precision Ebo-Jager Water Heaters
* Air Pump and tubings w/ accessories
* Plastic Cabinet Set for needed Accessories

Decorations Include:
*CenterPiece Driftwood
* 20 Plastic plants-tall, short and medium.
* 1 Rock Synthetic RockCave
* 2 Lava Rocks, 1 Rainbow Rock…
* Enough Sand for the bedding.
Plus, you will receive Fish Food good for years to come.

If you want the fish, I will give them for free/ if not I will find a suitable home for them-
Fish include: 3 Clown Loaches, 10 Cardinal Tetras, 3 Gouramis, 3 bamboo Shirimp, 6 Khuli Loaches

Condition: In an Ok condition. Has a few scratches on the wood, that can be fixed with paint. And The glass tank has a few scratches that aren’t really noticeable and a smal unnoticeable chip in the side of the tank that does not affect it.

~Asking Price: $600 Dollars/ Willing to Negotiate~
Contact Me: Nick206@innocent.com

OLD picture, there are more decorations then seen..some fish have died....as mention above, those are the fish included in deal
