Watch what you put in your tanks!


Medium Fish
Sep 16, 2004
Ontario, Canada
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I have had one of those fake logs (for aquarium use) since my very first tank. It's been in and out of all of my tanks at some point. Well, the other day I come home from work and the kids are in a state of panic and my mother (who was babysitting) looked ready to cry. "I'm sorry Lydia, I think I hurt him when I pulled him out." Between two kids, my flatcoat retriever and the poodle puppy, I could see no apparent injuries. Then she tells me she meant "Bubbles". He's a magnificent red cap oranda, about seven inches long now and our most friendly fish - we've had him the longest. I guess Bubbles was after something in the log (first time he's ever tried that) and got stuck in there. He was really struggling and my husband couldn't break open the log without hurting the fish so my mother pulled him out as gently as she could. I don't know how long Bubbles was struggling but, he's missing most of the scales on one side, scales and a bit of meat on the other side. Bubbles is eating and swimming alright and still comes to the glass to beg (like all goldfish) four days later. I am really hoping he'll be okay now but, I wanted to warn everyone that even the aquarium decorations that are supposed to be safe... aren't always safe. I had never noticed a sharp edge on that log before but after Bubbles got stuck in it, I checked it thoroughly and found a really sharp edge. Think I'll switch all of my artificial stuff to driftwood.