Water Change Calculator


Medium Fish
Aug 20, 2009

This is a follow-up to my concejtures about water changes in general. I have made a spreadsheet that allows users to test several water-change scenarios based on their current data. Also, it allows users with contaminated water sources to see how beneficial/nonbeneficial particular water change schedules are. Moreover, this spreadsheet was inspired by TheAquaTools.com and is meant to be a general tool as well. Unlike many of my recent spreadsheets, it is an Excel 97-03 file and thus should be read by most programs.

Water Change Calculator by MOA (MOA's: How Many Fish?, Stocking Freshwater Aquariums)

Please tell me what ya think,



Medium Fish
Aug 20, 2009

I changed the spreadsheet so that it has the following properties:

1) It allows the user to edit the rate of change for the the Extra substance (and allows the user to initialize the condition).

2) It operates now such that using the same water change schedule results in an identical scenario: using the same data for the Previous and Hypothetical data shows graphs that are perfectly stable (do not rise or fall). This means that it accounts for the true premise that if you do not alter your habits, then the amount of various substances will not change either.

3) The spreadsheet displays the daily rates for all the substances it accomodates.

4) It now warns the user if an impossible scenario occurs. Specifically, if a condition could only exist if the measured value of the substance becomes negative, then the spreadsheet will report the inappropriate value.

Thoughts? Comments?