Water Change Question


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2005
Vernon, CT
My tank has been going great. I've had 2 loss of coral, one I think 1 was damaged at the Fish Store...it never made it, and the other was my clove polop (sp). Seems I had some lovly slugs on it that were feeding on it. I'm hoping to save what spread. I removed the old rock with the coral that was on it and all the slugs along with it. I'll keep my eyes out for any more and remove them accordingly. Just for a reference incase anyone else has the issue this is what I had arminid nudibranch.

My question is when I do a water change do I have to move my coral so it is not exposed? I've been moving it but it is starting to seem that it might be a silly thing to do. I don't want to be moving it ever time I do a water change unless it's necessary. Wouldn't it be more stressful on the coral to be moved around then to be exposed to air for a short time?


Large Fish
Apr 19, 2006
Depends on the coral. Generally things like sps, faviids, zo's, most stuff really is strong enough to stand exposure to air, particularly the shallow water things (and most corals in the industry are shallow water). They will just slough a bit of slime.
If you have stuff like euphyllia, bubble corals, that have soft, largely unsupported body structures, they can be damamged by exposure.