I have been happily making 50% water changes weekly for about a year now, since I got my Python. My gravel is clean, my water sparkling, my parameters perfect. I have fry in my tanks and the little fellas need to be fed frequently. It makes for higher maintenance, but I thought I was doing the right thing. I sure have the fry numbers to prove something. Recently gave away about 300 healthy youngsters.
Anyway, yesterday I popped into a struggling LFS (that I try to support so Petsmart doesn't bancrupt this family). The owner and I get into the water change thing. He says I am overcleaning, stressing my fish, and I will kill them all by keeping this habit up. He says I should NEVER do more than 25% every two weeks and that's pushing it. REALLY?? I have lost like 2 fish in a year. One was a 3 or 4 yr old neon for heavens sake, he had a right to die.
I use Prime and add beneficial bacteria with every change. My tanks do not have live plants. We are moving and I do intend to venture there once we are all re-established.
Please advise away!
Anyway, yesterday I popped into a struggling LFS (that I try to support so Petsmart doesn't bancrupt this family). The owner and I get into the water change thing. He says I am overcleaning, stressing my fish, and I will kill them all by keeping this habit up. He says I should NEVER do more than 25% every two weeks and that's pushing it. REALLY?? I have lost like 2 fish in a year. One was a 3 or 4 yr old neon for heavens sake, he had a right to die.
I use Prime and add beneficial bacteria with every change. My tanks do not have live plants. We are moving and I do intend to venture there once we are all re-established.
Please advise away!