water hardness


New Fish
Nov 7, 2006
I've got a 5gal. that my mom got me in march, and right now i've got a dalmation mollie, a silver mollie, 2 long-finned danio's, a cory cat, and a baby guppy that my mom's mama guppy had in there and i haven't moved yet. anyway, i live in an area of town where we have hard water, all the water is hard in this town, and i was wondering how i could bring it down? i don't know the number it's at or what that's called, but my fish are all fine and healthy, happily swimming around actively all the time. any advice would be appreciated.


Large Fish
Aug 23, 2006
If they are fine I wouldn't screw with it. Fish are able to adapt to their changing environment as long as you keep the new environment constant. If they seem fine, I would just stick with the tap water.

Jan 13, 2006
hard water is fine, i have extremely soft water, its more important to keep it at one stable level than trying to adjust it with chemicals, if your really worried about it then there are some other things you can do to adjust it, i do suggest you get a bigger tank or get rid of some of your fish because there is way too many fish in that tank, for every 1inch of adult fish its 1 gallon, and right now you have about 15 inches worth of fish in a 5 gallon tank, that 3x what you should have.