Water...Low ph, everything else low to zero...dead fish


New Fish
Jun 10, 2011
I've got a 60 gal tank that's been setup for about 7-8 months. I haven't had any issues with the tank/fish except the water has never really been clear. It's always stayed slightly green tinted, mostly clear but sometimes a little green cloudy too. This is the current tank inhabitants and it hasn't changed in 6 months.

60 gal tank, power filter, small uv sterilizer, heater (78-80*), 2 small bubble stones, 20-25% water changes every 2 weeks. I use a gravel sucker to do the water changes. Feed them once a day, granuals, flakes and 2 pellets.

1 pink kissing gourami (5 yr old, 6 inches)
2 angel fish (5 yr old, 5 inches)
1 blood parrot cichlid (4 inches)
3 black skirt tetras (1.5-2.5 inches)
6 red minor tetras (1-1.5 inches)
3 platy's (2-3 inches)*
3 albino cory catfish (1.5-2 inches)*
1 yellow mystery snail

I've been testing my water at least every couple of weeks and for the past 5-6 months, the ammonia has remained under .50ppm and nitrate/nitrites are non existent. My ph has always remained low, around 6-6.4ph and I haven't given it much concern because everything has been doing well, until now...

A week ago, one of the angels laid eggs (I don't think the other is male, as they were never fertilized). She was pretty defensive of them, but the parrot ate most of them and I think the other angel ate some too. Now 3 days ago, I noticed the snail just drifting around, not moving, he did this for 2 days and I started noticing his shell didn't look too good (weak in certain areas). Also, my parrot was acting a little funny, not eating, staying in a corner or his cave. I googled the snail and noticed that acidic water will erode snails shells so I thought that might be the issue. Yesterday I tested the water and ph was 6.2. While testing I noticed one of my cory's were dead. I pulled him out and decided to raise the ph. I added 5 tbs aquarium salt and 1 tsp of sodium bicarb, and 5tbs salt again this am. PH this evening is 7.4. BUT, one of my platy's was floating dead (although he hasn't looked good for some time, it looked like he had a spinal issue as his spine was curved severely).

I'm guessing raising the ph this much probably wasn't a great idea so quickly, but my snail seems to have improved significantly. What are your thoughts/ideas for my parrot and tank overall? I hate having to treat my water to alter the ph, but I don't want issues with my snail/fish. Thanks for reading my LONG post.

Last edited:
Feb 27, 2009
I've been testing my water at least every couple of weeks and for the past 5-6 months, the ammonia has remained under .50ppm and nitrate/nitrites are non existent. My ph has always remained low, around 6-6.4ph and I haven't given it much concern because everything has been doing well, until now...
If your tank has cycled properly (and should have by now), you should show 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, and some measurable nitrates. Your ammonia reading of .50ppm or under plus 0 for nitrite/nitrate indicates it has NOT completed the nitrogen cycle. How do you do water changes? How often? How much water do you change out? (not what you put back in, but how much do you take OUT. Normally you will have some evaporation so you may take out say 10 gallons, but put back in 12).

BUT, one of my platy's was floating dead (although he hasn't looked good for some time, it looked like he had a spinal issue as his spine was curved severely).
The curved spine sounds like Fish TB.


New Fish
Jun 10, 2011
Thank you for your reply. The tank had cycled, and the reading prior to adding salt and bicarb was the first one that detected any ammonia, which may have been my issue. Unfortunately, trying to change the pH has completely thrown my tank off balance. My reading the day after adding salt and bicarb showed no ammonia, but my nitrites were off the chart and nitrates were high as well. I've been doing 60-70% water changes daily since to help keep the stress as low as I can on the fish. I have a feeling it was one of my filters as I replaced one when I added the bicarb and it tipped my bioload out of balance.

For the Fish TB, he looked like this for 3-4 months out of the 7 months I had him. Is there a way to test the water to see if it is present? Out of the 3 platy's 1 died, 1 is huge and the last one is still small and I'm not sure if he's going to make it with the water parameters. The rest of the fish appear to be fairly healthy. Thanks