water param-opinions


Medium Fish
Aug 2, 2006
For those of you who have kept mbuna's succesfully for atleast over a year, in your opinion what are good water parameters. And did you use chemicals, crushed coral or anything to raise PH? Tell me how you have done it so I can learn more. I have read about it but want to know your experiences. The LFS has there ph at like 7.5 just because they have to because of all the other tanks that are connected


Medium Fish
Aug 2, 2006
mlol when I was younger I always kept fish that way. But did water changes and never had any problems. I didnt have the stocked tank that I have now. So i have been testing the water. it never seems to change unless I raise it. For some reason I cant seem to keep a steady temp. I have 2 ebo jagers? maybe one of them is crapping out. it is getting cooler around her also?

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Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
It's normal for the tank temp to go up and down a little bit during the day. How much is it changeing? As long as it's not more than 2 or 3 degrees I wouldn't worry about it. Heaters suck in general. They are one of the most important of the 'life support' system, yet often is also the least reliable. IMHO, if there is the smallest doubt that the heaters might be bad, it's better to trash them and replace them now and not wait to come home to tank full of boiled fish.


Medium Fish
Aug 2, 2006
in the last week it has been going down 4 or five degrees. so I stuck another heater in there that is really old a couple days ago. The temp goes up and than gets to high. it has been a pain. it is wierd though that one of them or both of them all of a sudden stopped working. I have a really cheap stick on the side temp gauge on one side and then a submersible one that is suction cupped to the side. they are always about 1 degree different but seem to be working