So I took a trip to my LFS today, with samples of both my tap water and my tank water. I had no particular concern -- I just wanted the info for record-keeping purposes.
pH: Out of the tap, 7.6. In the tank, 6.6. The explanation was that, most likely, my large piece of driftwood was bringing the pH down.
Ammonia: Actually had a reading of 1.0 in the tank, why surprised me.
Nitrite: 0.
Nitrate: 0.
The above state of affairs has me worried that I'm starting a mini-cycle, six months after the tank has been set up.
Here's info you need to know, however:
Recently been using Algone to attempt to assist with an algae problem, to supposedly lower levels of nitrite and nitrate, clean the water, etc.
Recently, also, changed my water-change strategy, moving from about 25 - 40 percent per week to about 15 percent per week, for a variety of reasons.
I use an AquaClear 50 with the carbon pack, added floss, and now the Algone packet -- very small.
The water looks fantastic. The fish are happier than I've ever seen fish. Appetites good, behavior very active, no oddities at all.
I have questions like:
Do you think my recent water cleanliness efforts have been overzealous?
I want to use less chemicals in my tank overall -- currently, I'm using Amquel Plus and Novaqua Plus when I treat water -- is that too much? Could I drop both and just use Seachem Prime instead?
Given what you know now, do you think the Ammonia reading is a false positive?
Should nitrates actually be at zero? I got the water test results today (Saturday). Last WC was 15 percent on Wednesday evening.
I want to run this live planted tank as naturally as possible. That means, as few chemicals as possible. I'd like to lose the carbon pack in the filter and simply add more floss, and have everything "sit lower" in the filter water. I'd bought and sold on the idea of small (15 percentish) frequent water changes -- I can explain that, if you're interested.
So, can anyone comment on the water parameters and my questions about chems and readings?
Thank you in advance.
pH: Out of the tap, 7.6. In the tank, 6.6. The explanation was that, most likely, my large piece of driftwood was bringing the pH down.
Ammonia: Actually had a reading of 1.0 in the tank, why surprised me.
Nitrite: 0.
Nitrate: 0.
The above state of affairs has me worried that I'm starting a mini-cycle, six months after the tank has been set up.
Here's info you need to know, however:
Recently been using Algone to attempt to assist with an algae problem, to supposedly lower levels of nitrite and nitrate, clean the water, etc.
Recently, also, changed my water-change strategy, moving from about 25 - 40 percent per week to about 15 percent per week, for a variety of reasons.
I use an AquaClear 50 with the carbon pack, added floss, and now the Algone packet -- very small.
The water looks fantastic. The fish are happier than I've ever seen fish. Appetites good, behavior very active, no oddities at all.
I have questions like:
Do you think my recent water cleanliness efforts have been overzealous?
I want to use less chemicals in my tank overall -- currently, I'm using Amquel Plus and Novaqua Plus when I treat water -- is that too much? Could I drop both and just use Seachem Prime instead?
Given what you know now, do you think the Ammonia reading is a false positive?
Should nitrates actually be at zero? I got the water test results today (Saturday). Last WC was 15 percent on Wednesday evening.
I want to run this live planted tank as naturally as possible. That means, as few chemicals as possible. I'd like to lose the carbon pack in the filter and simply add more floss, and have everything "sit lower" in the filter water. I'd bought and sold on the idea of small (15 percentish) frequent water changes -- I can explain that, if you're interested.
So, can anyone comment on the water parameters and my questions about chems and readings?
Thank you in advance.