i have 2 parrot cichlids <i know everyone hates them and they are freeks of nature> anyway, should i keep the water paremeters the same as i do for my SA cichlids ?
i dont hate them. im planning on getting one when i get another tank freed up. i saw some at the lfs and they all had a personality that made them stand out. i dont care about it being a hybrid either. at Sea Life Park (our Seaworld) we have a wolphin! (a false killer whale/dolphin hybrid that was born because its parents were in the same tank (no one expected this to happen, but we all got an animal hybrid!) and there are many hybrids in nature that we dont even know about! and there are a bunch of people who feel the same about them.
well after i posted this i searched around on the net and found a place that had lots of information, they suggest a ph of 7 with soft water,i keep mine at 8 with hard water,, so,, now what