Water purifyers?

Apr 11, 2003
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What do you use to purify your tap water befor you put it in your tank.? right now i use "Tap water conditioner made by Aquarium Pharmaceutics" it takes out chlorine it detoxies heavy metals and breake chloramine bond it says to use one drop a gallon.

Has any body used Marinelands bio-coat is it a waste of money or does it really work.

i am just wondering about some of Marine lands products other than bio spira since everybody seems to love that.


Superstar Fish
Feb 24, 2003
I dont use anything to condition my water. I used to use Tetra declorinators and stress coats but now i dont use anything. Just last week i thought i would give it a try, but i noticed the top was filled with bubbles that werent usually there and it looked oily. So maybe its because they are aged, but surely i dont need them i havent used them for over a year and there has been no problem so why change now.

I dont suggest doing this because your local water may contain chlorine or cloramine, but obviously mine does not.

- depthC

Feb 18, 2003
Durham, NC
I use an RO unit by Seacham and then buffer my water back up. However I used to use tap water conditioner and ammo lock. Ammo lock is a waste but tap water conditioner works great. Really though the best stuff is Prime made by Seacham. It takes care of everything by turning it into a non toxic form that is still "eaten" by the bio filter. If you can afford an RO unit it's a good way to go. My water has tons and I mean tons of ammonia in it. It was tricky but eventally I found the right stuff to buffer the water back up to normal standards. The Bio Spira I've heard is the best bacteria starter out there. Probably the only one that does any good. That is if you can find it.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
from what i know the marineland bio-coat is a very good product.when i was working at a lfs,we were a certified tetra retailer.one day the guy from tetra came the same day as the marineland rep and the tetra guy had some very nice praise for the marineland bio-coat


Large Fish
Dec 30, 2002
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what do you use to buffer your water back up ?
im looking into geting an RO unit, right now my supply water ph is 7.8 , but when i buy water from a local filter unit its at 5 and im pretty sure thats what mine will be with my own unit